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Dat mann mit die liddle taughter is Dobinard, vat tidies der orchestra and lights die lamps. Bons vas fery fond of him, und helped him. He vas der only von dat accombanied mein only friend to die church und to die grafe.... I vant dree tausend vrancs for him, und dree tausend for die liddle von " "Poor fellow!" said Gaudissart to himself.

Dat mann mit die liddle taughter is Dobinard, vat tidies der orchestra and lights die lamps. Bons vas fery fond of him, und helped him. He vas der only von dat accombanied mein only friend to die church und to die grafe. . . . I vant dree tausend vrancs for him, und dree tausend for die liddle von " "Poor fellow!" said Gaudissart to himself.

Topinard came in. "Three porters are bringing up the whole bag of tricks," he said. "Oh! Here are two hundred vrancs to bay for eferydings..." said Schmucke. "But, mein friend, your Montame Dobinard is ver' nice; you shall marry her, is it not so?

Topinard came in. "Three porters are bringing up the whole bag of tricks," he said. "Oh! Here are two hundred vrancs to bay for eferydings . . ." said Schmucke. "But, mein friend, your Montame Dobinard is ver' nice; you shall marry her, is it not so?

Pons had been wont to give him a five-franc piece once a month, knowing that he had a wife and family. "Why, I have come to ask news of M. Pons every morning, sir." "Efery morning! boor Dobinard!" and Schmucke squeezed the man's hand. "But they took me for a relation, no doubt, and did not like my visits at all.

Pons had been wont to give him a five-franc piece once a month, knowing that he had a wife and family. "Why, I have come to ask news of M. Pons every morning, sir." "Efery morning! boor Dobinard!" and Schmucke squeezed the man's hand. "But they took me for a relation, no doubt, and did not like my visits at all.