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But we may readily see that beyond the Devachanic plane, we may not penetrate with the limited consciousness which takes cognizance of external conditions. Any attempt, therefore, at a description of what occurs to the individual consciousness beyond the areas of Devachan, must be futile.

Love has been cast out, ignored and forgotten until at last she departs, leaving a vacancy, that eternity cannot fill. This is somewhat similar to their illusive Devachan, an ideal, a mere mystical sentiment to gush over, but a something they do not in reality comprehend. Therefore, we shall do our utmost to explain this universal law, and to point out wherein its first principles are manifest.

Briefly stated, it may be said that it is taught that the life on Devachan is in the nature of a Dream of the Best that is In Us that is, a condition in which the highest that is in us is given a chance for expression and growth, and development.

Let the Brothers of Thibet beware of any longer cherishing the delusion that the Sisters of Thibet, because their existence is purely objective, 'are therefore unreal and merely transitory delusions of sense. We also have a secret to reveal the result of twenty centuries of occult learning and we formally announce to you, the so-called adepts of occult science, that if you persist in disseminating any more of your deleterious metaphysical compounds in this world under the name of Esoteric Buddhism, we will not only no longer refrain, as we have hitherto done, from tormenting you in your subjective conditions while still in your rupas, but, by virtue of the occult powers we possess, will poison the elements of devachan until subjective existence becomes intolerable there for your fifth and sixth principles, your manas and your buddhis, and nirvana itself will be converted into hell."

On the contrary, all the superior phases, even of sensuous emotion, find their appropriate sphere of development in devachan." Until you are obliged to go to devachan which, in ordinary parlance, is the place good men go to when they die my advice is, stick to your rupa; and indeed it is the instinct of everybody who is not a mahatma to do this.

'Hence it is possible, says our author, 'for yet living persons to have visions of devachan, though such visions are rare and only one- sided, the entities in devachan, sighted by the earthly clairvoyant, being quite unconscious themselves of undergoing such observation. This is an erroneous and incorrect assumption on the Guru's part.

It is also taught that just as the soul leaves Devachan to be reincarnated, it is given a glimpse of its past lives, and its present character, that it may realize the Karmic relations between the cause and effect, to the end that its new life may be improved upon then it sinks into a state of unconsciousness and passes on to rebirth.

It is quite different after you are dead, and have gone in your fourth principle, or kama rupa, which is often translated "body of desire," into devachan; for, as Mr Sinnett most correctly remarks, "The purely sensual feelings and tastes of the late personality will drop off from it in devachan; but it does not follow that nothing is preservable in that state, except feelings and thoughts having a direct reference to religion or spiritual philosophy.

'The spirit of the clairvoyant, he goes on, 'ascends into the condition of devachan in such rare visions, and thus becomes subject to the vivid delusions of that existence. Vivid delusions indeed, the fatal consequences of which are, that they separate their votaries from the practical duties of life, and create a class of idle visionaries who, wrapping themselves in their own vain conceits, would stand by and allow their fellow-creatures to starve to death, because, as Mr Sinnett frankly tells us, 'if spiritual existence, vivid subjective consciousness, really does go on for periods greater than the periods of intellectual physical existence, in the ratio, as we have seen in discussing the devachanic condition, of 80 to 1 at least, then surely man's subjective existence is more important than his physical existence and intellect in error, when all its efforts are bent on the amelioration of the physical existence.

Devachan is sometimes called the Heaven World by Theosophists, the word meaning "the state or plane of the gods." Theosophy teaches that the Soul Triad dwells in Devachan "for a period proportionate to the merit of the being," and from whence in the proper time "the being is drawn down again to be reborn in the world of mortals."