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And if, as some suppose, the same Seneca were the author of the tragedies, he expresses himself to the same purpose in the following chorus of the Medea: Venient annis Secula feris, quibus Oceanus Vincula rerum laxat, et ingens Pateat tellus, Typhysque novos Detegat orbes, nec sit terris Ultima Thule.

A prophecy, as it seems, of the Roman empire. Seneca the tragedian hath these verses: Venient annis Saecula seris, quibus Oceanus Vincula rerum laxet, et ingens Pateat Tellus, Tiphysque novos Detegat orbes; nec sit terris Ultima Thule: a prophecy of the discovery of America.

"Thank you, gentlemen, but I will keep my seat. I have but ridden down to get my mail. Mr. Coles, if you will be so good! It is a pity, is it not, to see this drouth? There has been nothing like it these fifty years. Mr. Holliday, I have news of Meriwether Lewis. He has seen the Pacific. "Tiphysque novos Detegat orbes; nec sit terris Ultima Thule. "Mr.

Venient annis Saecula seris, quilms Oceanus Vincula rerum laxet, et ingens Patent tellus, Typhisque novos Detegat orbes, nee sit terris Ultima Thule. Gosselin in his able research into the voyages of the ancients, supposes the Atalantis of Plato to have been nothing more nor less than one of the nearest of the Canaries, viz. Fortaventura or Lancerote. No. The Imaginary Island of St. Brandan.