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Her wonted distraction had subsided into a pensive sadness, which manifested itself in many a grateful, graceful tenderness toward that glorifier of the skimped delaine.

"I suppose Delaine will be here directly?" Philip went on. "I suppose so." Philip let himself down into the seat beside her. "Look here, Elizabeth," lowering his voice; "I don't think Delaine is any more excited about Canada than I am. He told me last night he thought the country about Winnipeg perfectly hideous." "Oh!" cried Elizabeth, as though someone had flipped her.

Her face was still turned in the direction of the church on the outskirts of the scraggly mountain town, and whose spire pricked through the dark green piñons surrounding it. "I ain't fixed I ain't never fixed now." And she glanced down along her unbuttoned jacket, over the faded delaine dress, to her shoes tied with strings held together by countless knots.

The boy let him go in silence conscious on the one hand that he had himself played a mean part in their conversation, and on the other that Anderson, under this onset of sordid misfortune, was somehow more of a hero in his eyes, and no doubt in other people's, than ever. On his way downstairs Anderson ran into Delaine, who was ascending with an armful of books and pamphlets. "Oh, how do you do?

Delaine could see in the failing light that Anderson had grown pale. But he perceived also an expression of scornful impatience in the blue eyes fixed upon him. "He has professed to be afraid " "That I should murder him?" said Anderson with a laugh. "And he told you some sort of a story?" "A long one, I regret to say." "And not to my credit?" "The tone of it was certainly hostile.

A step beside her startled her, and she looked up to see Delaine approaching. "Out already, Mr. Arthur! But I have had breakfast!" "So have I. What a place!" Elizabeth did not answer, but her smiling eyes swept the glorious circle of the lake. "How soon will it all be spoilt and vulgarised?" said Delaine, with a shrug. "Next year, I suppose, a funicular, to the top of the glacier."

And the woman who married him would find it no tame future. Suddenly Delaine's warnings occurred to her. She laughed, a little hysterically. Could anyone have shown himself more helpless, useless, incompetent, than Arthur Delaine since the accident? Yet he was still on the spot. She realised, indeed, that it was hardly possible for their old friend to desert them under the circumstances.

Then every few miles there ran a rivulet as clear as crystal, its bottom checkered at the riffles into a brilliant pattern like plaid delaine by the shining of the clean red, white and yellow granite pebbles through the crossed ripples from the banks.

It was from the District Superintendent, expressing great regret for the interruption to their journey, and suggesting that they should spend the night at the hotel at Glacier. "Which I understand is only four miles off, the other side of the pass," said Delaine. "Was there ever anything more annoying!" Elizabeth's face expressed an utter bewilderment.

And the mornin' we started she met us at the Jonesville Depot in good sperits and a barege delaine dress, cream color, and a hat of the same. I hadn't seen her for some weeks, and she seemed softly tickled to see Josiah and me, and asked a good many questions about Jonesville, kinder turnin' the conversation gradually round onto bread, as I could see.