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Non tali auxilio, nec defensoribus istis Tempus eget. As for the morale of the relieving force, it now stood at the zenith, as was seen on the following day.

As if we wanted to insult the thirteen colonies as well as to subdue them, we must set upon them these hordes of Hessians, and the murderers out of the Indian wigwams. Was our great quarrel not to be fought without tali auxilio and istis defensoribus? Ah! 'tis easy, now we are worsted, to look over the map of the great empire wrested from us, and show how we ought not to have lost it.

He guessed now that Lord Blandamer had himself turned the picture with its face to the wall, and in doing so had deliberately abandoned a weapon that might have served him well in the struggle. Lord Blandamer must have deliberately foregone the aid of recollections such as Anastasia's portrait would have called up in his antagonist's mind. "Non tali auxilio nec defensoribus istis."

"Non tali auxilio, nee defensoribus istis Tempos eget." William Blackwood, the Prince-Street publisher, thought, that, to be successful, the war should be carried into Africa, that the enemy must be met on his own ground with his own weapons.

Spectators, observing that each party is alternately conqueror and conquered, are led to regard the subject of dispute as beyond the power of man to decide upon. But such an opinion cannot be justified; and it is sufficient to apply to these reasoners the remark: Non defensoribus istis Tempus eget.