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"Gaspe Toujours is a papist," he said, "but he read me some of that book the day you left, and one thing we went to sleep on: it was that about 'Lightenin' the darkness, and defendin' us from all the perils and dangers of this night." Here Gaspe Toujours made the sign of the cross.

After that the Kid come to be know'd as Cinnabar Joe, an' when the last of the dude-wagons was throw'd out fer automobiles the Kid drifted up into the cow country. But they's a certain express company that's still huntin' fer the gang not knowin' o' course that the Cinnabar Joe that got notorious fer defendin' his dudes was one of 'em."

Say thar's another Injin skeer on; that that thar bloodthirsty ole 'Fleas in His Blanket' is on the warpath, and you're goin' to shed the last drop o' your blood defendin' her! That'll fetch her, and she ain't bin treatin' you well! G'lang!"

There ain't any more honest people in the world just now than the convicts in Sing Sing. Not one of them steals anything. Why? Because they can't. See the application? Understand, I ain't defendin' politicians of today who steal. The politician who steals is worse than a thief. He is a fool.

The likes of him, sir, would be afther defendin' the cabin if 'twas only out of respect to the onburied bodies of the women and the childers that has been murthured by the hathen savages bad luck to 'em!"

'Oh, what shame! said Jean, full of sympathy. 'He's a dear that funny cockney. But he had been dashed for the merest moment. 'I'm not 'ere to talk grammar, but to talk Reform. I ain't defendin' my grammar, he said, on second thoughts, 'but I'll say in pawssing that if my mother 'ad 'ad 'er rights, maybe my grammar would 'ave been better. It was a thrust that seemed to go home.

"Look at it! presenting his solar plexus to you, his vitals an' his life, all defense down, as much as sayin': 'Here I am. Stamp on me. Kick the life outa me. I love you, I am your slave, but I just can't help defendin' my bone. My instinct's stronger'n me. Kill me, but I can't help it." Saxon was melted. Tears were in her eyes as she stooped and gathered the mite of an animal in her arms.

Now, look here: I knocked the waiter down; here is two sovereigns for him; I won't pay him nothin' for the kickin', for that I give him out of contempt, for not defendin' of himself.

Michael shook his head dolefully. "Mr. McCormick's aisy oh, aisy enough," he said. "He'll lep up at the idea of defendin' you, but I'm not takin' pleasure in goin' to Miles Calhoun, for he's a hard man these days. Aw, Mr. Dyck, he's had a lot of trouble. Things has been goin' wrong with Playmore. 'Pon honour, I don't know whether anny of it'll last as long as Miles Calhoun lasts.

"We'll call that settled, then. You're through bull-whackin', Tom." There was a little twitch of whimsical mirth at the corners of the old man's mouth. "Now you're shoutin, C.N. Threw me down from start to finish, he did. First off, when the breed girl busted the casks, he took her home 'stead of bringin' her to me. Then at old McRae's camp when I was defendin' myself, he jumped me too.