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Dee'll drib d' English into d' sea, and wese t' hab ouh freedom, ouh freedom an' plenty lan' t' lib on." "Dat's it," shouted some one, "an' we gwine t' holp, suah!" The negroes were so intent upon their speaker that they did not perceive us until we were right among them, and even then for a few minutes, as we forced our way through the mob, no one knew us.

They had no doubt that all would come back soon, for old Uncle Billy, the "head-man," who had been born down in "Little York," where Cornwallis surrendered, had expressed the sentiment of the whole plantation when he declared, as he sat in the back yard surrounded by an admiring throng and surveyed the two glittering sabres which he had no one but himself to polish, that "Ef them Britishers jest sees dese swodes dee'll run!"

Suddenly the sleeper waked with a start, and gazed around. "Hit gittin' mighty dark," he whispered, faintly. "You reckon dee'll git heah 'fo' dark?" The light was dying from his eyes. "Ephum," said the woman, softly, to her husband. The effect was electrical. "Heish! you heah dat!" exclaimed the dying man, eagerly. "Ephum" she repeated. The rest was drowned by Ole 'Stracted's joyous exclamation.

Both of them obeyed, and then returned and stood silent; they could not tell him no. Presently the woman said, "Don' you warn put you' shut on?" "What did you say my name was?" he said. "Ole 'Str " She paused at the look of pain on his face, shifted uneasily from one foot to the other, and relapsed into embarrassed silence. "Nem min'! dee'll know it dee'll know me 'dout any name, oon dee?"

"But yo' gwine t' ride right into d' Injuns. Dee'll git yo' suah." "Nonsense!" I retorted sharply. "I'll get through all right, and we can easily hold out till reinforcements come. Now get on your horse. Remember, the faster you go, the surer you'll be to save us all." He swung himself into the saddle, and turned for a moment to look at me, the tears streaming down his face.