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"Probably the same way we would have, had we not holed up on that river island." Driven! Perhaps the lone human on Jumala herded up into this dead-end valley by the globes or the blue beasts. "This process must have been in action for some time." "Why?" "I can give you two reasons." Hume studied the nearest trees narrowly.

"Lacking emotional resources" th she hadn't heard a more apt and erroneous phrase to describe herself; but she liked how artfully Hilda used such laconic sentences to show understanding, to make the two women's experiences cognate, and to pull the conversation out of the dead-end of the personal domain. Gabriele smiled thoughtfully with her closed lips.

Thanks to the Task Force, private sector initiatives are now underway in all 50 States of the Union, and thousands of working people have been helped in making the shift from dead-end jobs and low-demand skills to the growth areas of high technology and the service economy. Additionally, a major effort will be focused on encouraging the expansion of private community child care.

If you know somebody who's caught in a dead-end job and afraid he can't afford the classes necessary to get better jobs for the rest of his life, tell him not to give up, he can go on to college. Because of the things that have been done, we can make college as universal in the 21st century as high school is today. And, my friends, that will change the face and future of America.

"This dead-end, with not a shadow of a clue to the whereabouts of the Yellow fiend, has been getting on my nerves " Nayland Smith grunted sympathetically. "Although Dr. Fu-Manchu had been in England for some months, now," continued Weymouth, "I have never set eyes upon him; the house we raided in Museum Street proved to be empty; in a word, I am wasting my time.

If you know somebody who's caught in a dead-end job and afraid he can't afford the classes necessary to get better jobs for the rest of his life, tell him not to give up, he can go on to college. Because of the things that have been done, we can make college as universal in the 21st century as high school is today. And, my friends, that will change the face and future of America.

Then, in the twinkling of an eye, the sea-wall became a highway, and dead-end Europe became mistress of the ocean and thereby mistress of the world. The greatest strategic shift of fortune in all human history had taken place. Instead of fronting hopelessly on the fiercest of Asiatics, against whom victory by direct attack seemed impossible, the Europeans could now flank them at will.

In its local version churchism is parochialism, or total preoccupation with the church as an institution at the level of the local community. The tragedy of such parochialism is that the creative thought and energies of people are consumed in the mere maintenance of the church as an institution, and in dead-end religious activity and worship. Mr.

Ignorance of the physical and spiritual bases of married life is a potent cause of desertion. So also is a limited industrial equipment. Irregular school attendance, early "working papers," a dead-end job with no educational possibilities in it these form a frequent background for later unsuccess in life and in marriage. There seemed at first no good explanation for the desertion of Alfred West.

One of 'em was standin' up by the dead-end of tke siding an' the other was squattin' down lookin' up at 'im, you see." "What did you do for 'em?" said Pritchard. "There wasn't much I could do, except bury 'em. There'd been a bit of a thunderstorm in the teak, you see, and they were both stone dead and as black as charcoal. That's what they really were, you see charcoal.