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After a few hours I may venture to touch the gold that has passed through your hands!" The crowd, whom curiosity had drawn around the carriage, now burst out into a shout of applause. "Right, right, Dame Margot! You are a prudent woman! Nobody knows what might come of handling her louis d'ors." Olympia smiled.

The ostensible object of the bank, as set forth in the patent, was to encourage the commerce and manufactures of France. The louis d'ors and crowns of the bank were always to retain the same standard of value, and its bills to be payable in them on demand.

Bar silver, containing 11-12ths fine silver, 21 Guilders / mark, and in this proportion down to 1-4th fine, on which 5 guilders are given. Fine bars,................. 28 Guilders / mark. GOLD Portugal coin................. 310 Guilders / mark Guineas....................... 310 Louis d'ors, new.............. 310 Ditto old.............. 300 New ducats.................... 4 19 8 per ducat

So they left beautiful Normandy for their faith's sake, and with a few louis d'ors in their purse, a Bible in the vulgar tongue, and a couple of old swords, which, if report be true, had done service in the Huguenot wars, they crossed the sea to the isle of civil peace and religious liberty, and established themselves in East Anglia.

Having done his best with 'Fiesco' he sent it to Dalberg, who curtly refused it a second time. His theatrical hopes thus completely baffled, Schiller turned over his play to the bookseller Schwan, who gave him eleven louis d'ors for it and immediately published it as a book for the reader.

"Yes, we have a hundred louis d'ors and a diamond ring from the mistress of this house." "Give it to me," cried Lorenza. "Not the ring, Lorenza, but the diamond, so soon as I have a false stone set in the ring which I must keep as a ring in the chain which will bind this woman to our cause." "Was I not astonishingly like her? Was it not almost unmistakable?" "Yes, wonderfully deceptive.

These considerations took up his mind for half an hour; then he put his scheme into execution, broke open the drawers and took from thence twenty-seven guineas, four louis d'ors, and some other French pieces. His precaution being so little, there is no wonder that he was taken, or that the fact appearing plain, he should be convicted thereon.

M. Dugas told them that he would examine their petition, and give them an early answer. The bakers retired, having first left upon the table a purse of two hundred louis d'ors. In a few days the bakers called upon the magistrate for an answer, not in the least doubting but that the money had effectually pleaded their cause.

Well, we were all in the best spirits, and that was the reason why I remained so long and came home so late. It was Major von Leesten's fault, and now my story is at an end!" "No, it is not!" exclaimed Amelia. "You have not yet told me every thing, Blucher. You have not told me who won your two hundred louis d'ors for which you intended to purchase four new carriage-horses?"

It was a cacophony of smells, ranging from the heavily oppressive odour of the Dutch cheeses and the Gruyeres to the alkaline pungency of the Olivets. From the Cantal, the Cheshire, and the goats' milk cheeses there seemed to come a deep breath like the sound of a bassoon, amidst which the sharp, sudden whiffs of the Neufchatels, the Troyes, and the Mont d'Ors contributed short, detached notes.