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See above, p. 309. Theal, p. 54. The Teton lady who became a mermaid was summoned, by singing an incantation, to suckle her child; "Journal Amer. F. L." vol. ii. p. 137. Schreck, p. 71. Poestion, p. 55; "Cymru Fu," p. 474. "Y Cymmrodor," vol. iv. p. 177, vol. vi. p. 203.

I knew, too cheaply, that the Basques have their poetical contests, as the Welsh have their musical competitions in the Eisteddfod, and they are once more like the Welsh, their brothers in antiquity, in calling themselves by a national name of their own. They call themselves Euskaldunac, which is as different from the name of Basque given them by the alien races as Cymru is from Welsh.

Deep brown are they brown as the nut in the paws of the squirrel. Be you a bard and write about boys Cymru. Tell how they succeed in big London." "I will try," said Gwen. "Like you are and me. Think you do as I think." "Know you for long I would," said Gwen. "For ever," cried Ben. "But wedded you are.

If you are a stranger, you will think of it as "Wales" a strange country; if you are Welsh, you will think of it as "Cymru" a land of brothers. The geologist will tell you how Wales was made; the geographer will tell you what it is like now; the historian will tell you what its people have done and what they are. All three will tell you that it is a very interesting country.

We must have no more bickerings. We have work to do. The seeds are springing forth, and a goodly harvest is promised: let us sharpen our blades and clear our barn floors. Cymru fydd Wales for the Welsh is here. At home and at Westminster our kith and kin are occupying prominent positions. Disestablishment is at hand.

The inhabitants, who speak an ancient and peculiar language, do not call this region Wales, nor themselves Welsh. They call themselves Cymry or Cumry, and their country Cymru, or the land of the Cumry.