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Over these streams, or rather sheets of sluggish water, the Igorot have built 152 salt houses, usually about 12 feet wide and from 12 to 25 feet long. The houses, well shown in Pl. CXV, are simply grass-covered roofs extending to the earth.

Nothing in Ham's history warrants the idea of his pre-eminence; besides, the Hebrew word Hakkaton, rendered younger, means the little, small. The same word is used in Isaiah xl. 22. "A LITTLE ONE shall become a thousand." Also in Isaiah xxii. 24. "All vessels of SMALL quantity." So Psalms cxv. 13. "He will bless them that fear the Lord, both SMALL and great." Also Exodus xviii. 22.

In Plate cxv. of vol. ii, Le Normand, are given two sides of a vase, which, in rude and childish ways, assembles most of the principal thoughts regarding Athena in this relation. He ascends out of the sea; but the sea itself has not yet caught the light. In the second design, Athena as the morning breeze, and Hermes as the morning cloud, fly over the sea before the sun.

Abraham, though sixty years younger than his eldest brother, stands first in the family genealogy. Nothing in Ham's history shows him pre-eminent; besides, the Hebrew word Hakkatan rendered "the younger," means the little, small. The same word is used in Isa. xl. 22. "A LITTLE ONE shall become a thousand." Isa. xxii. 24. "All vessels of SMALL quantity." Ps. cxv. 13.

Hansard's "House of Lord's Debates," July 15, 1864 "Quarterly Review," vol. cxv. p. 560 Waverley; or, 'tis Sixty Years since. 3 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1814.

The very little folks here closed their part of the performance with a "Harvest Song," in which they had been well drilled. Then the older classes arose and recited selected portions of Scripture in unison, class by class. Eunice Mountjoy's class gave "The harvest feast." Deut. xvi, 13-15. Etta Mountjoy's class: "The harvest fruits are the gift of God." Psalms cxv, 10-15.

Between now and Friday I shall write to you so that we can again settle on a day. I embrace you, my old beloved troubadour. G. Sand CXV. TO GUSTAVE FLAUBERT 3 May, 1869 They are encroaching upon my time more and more. All my days are full until and including next Sunday. Tell me quickly if you want me Monday, a week from today or if it is another day.

SECTION CXV. This being so, the pictures that are most valued are for the most part those by masters of established renown, which are highly or neatly finished, and of a size small enough to admit of their being placed in galleries or saloons, so as to be made subjects of ostentation, and to be easily seen by a crowd.

Oh, that men would therefore praise the Lord for His goodness and declare the wonders that He doeth for the children of men. Psalm cvii.: 21. The Lord hath been mindful of us, and He shall bless us; He shall bless them that fear the Lord, both small and great. Psalm cxv.: 12, 13.

In the mean time, I supposed it would be a comfort to you to know that your papers had come safe to hand, and that I shall be attentive to do whatever circumstances will admit. I am, Sir, your very humble servant, Th: Jefferson. LETTER CXV. TO R. IZARD, September 26,1783 Paris, September 26,1783. Dear Sir,