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"He's thinking o' Inverquharity and the cushie doos," said Blinder. "More likely," said Dite Deuchars, "he's thinking o' the Cuttle Well." Corp Shiach clattered along the road about nine to say that Aaron Latta was putting on his blacks as if for a journey. At once the blind man's reputation rose on stilts.

It was worst of all for boys of sensitive minds who were lucky enough to get a "cushie" wound, and so went on and on, or who were patched up again quickly after one, two, or three wounds, and came back again. It was a boy like that who revealed his bitterness to me one day as we stood together in the salient. "It's the length of the war," he said, "which does one down.

I heard the cushie croon Thro' the gowden afternoon, And the Quair burn singing doon to the vale o' Tweed." There is in the country of Scott no pleasanter walk than that which Dr. Brown took in the summer afternoon.

You will meet me tomorrow about this hour at say the Kaims of Cushie?" "No," said the doctor after a moment's pause; "I won't. Even if I went to the Kaims I should not find you there. Why can you not come to me?" "Why do you carry a woman's hair," replied the Egyptian, "in that locket on your chain?"

Regular inhabitants of Boulogne, officers at the base, passed to inner rooms with French ladies of dangerous appearance, and the transients envied them and said: "Those fellows have all the luck! What's their secret? How do they arrange these cushie jobs?" From open windows came the music of gramophones.

"Dear Double Dykes," it said, "I send you these few scrapes to say I am dying, and you and Aaron Latta was seldom sindry, so I charge you to go to him and say to him 'Aaron Latta, it's all lies Jean Myles wrote to Thrums about her grandeur, and her man died mony year back, and it was the only kindness he ever did her, and if she doesna die quick, her and her starving bairns will be flung out into the streets. If that doesna move him, say, 'Aaron Latta, do you mind yon day at Inverquharity and the cushie doos? likewise, 'Aaron Latta, do you mind yon day at the Kaims of Airlie? likewise, 'Aaron Latta, do you mind that Jean Myles was ower heavy for you to lift?

Although essentially a tropical family, Attas have pushed as far north as New Jersey, where they make a tiny nest, a few inches across, and bring to it bits of pine needles. In a jungle Baedeker, we should double-star these insects, and paragraph them as "Atta, named by Fabricius in 1804; the Kartabo species, cephalotes; Leaf-cutting or Cushie or Parasol Ants; very abundant.

To Colonel Kemp and his Adjutant Cockerell, ensconced in a dug-out thirty feet deep, furnished with a real bed, electric-light fittings, and ornaments obviously made in Germany, entered Major Wagstaffe, encrusted with mud, but as imperturbable as ever. He saluted. "Good-morning, sir. You seem to have struck a cushie little home time." "Yes.

He read slowly the first part of the letter, but Aaron made no comment, and the mill had not stopped for a moment. "She says," the smith proceeded, doggedly "she says to say to you, 'Aaron Latta, do you mind yon day at Inverquharity and the cushie doos?" Only the monotonous whirr of the mill replied. "She says, 'Aaron Latta, do you mind that Jean Myles was ower heavy for you to lift?