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"Aren't you ever going to be engaged, Patty?" "Nonsense! Marie, we're too young to think about such things. After a few years I shall begin to consider the matter; and if I find anybody that I simply can't live without, I shall proceed to marry him. Now, curiosity-box, is there anything else you want to know?"

Rose has a delightful surprise for it, and when I come home this afternoon I'll bring something to add to the gaiety of nations." "Oh, Father, what?" "Never you mind, curiosity-box! You'll see soon enough." "Will you come home early, Father?" "As early as I can. By five, surely."

This he knew was his only chance of ever seeing me more, for I swore I would never go back through Usui, so greatly did I feel the indignities imposed on me by Suwarora. 18th. To keep the king in good-humour, I now took a table-knife, spoon, and fork to the palace, which, after their several uses were explained, were consigned to his curiosity-box.

He flew against the window-panes, was seen, was run through by a pin and placed in a curiosity-box; one could not do more for him. "Now I also am seated on a stalk like a flower," said the butterfly, "it is not so comfortable after all! But it is as well as being married, for then one is tied down!" He consoled himself with this.

The 8th went off much in the usual way, by my calling on the king, when I gave him a pack of playing-cards, which he put into his curiosity-box.