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Instead of using an envelope, Mrs. Lecount folded it, neatly and securely, in the old-fashioned way. She lit the taper in the ink-stand, and returned the letter to the writer. "Seal it, Mr. Noel," she said, "with your own hand, and your own seal." She extinguished the taper, and handed him the pen again. "Address the letter, sir," she proceeded, "to Admiral Bartram, St. Crux-in-the-Marsh, Essex.

Bygrave, she won't! she will have her suggestion ready before I can ask for it." "Ay! ay!" said the captain eagerly. "There is some place, then, that Mrs. Lecount wants to go to this autumn?" "To go where?" "To Admiral Bartram's you don't know him, do you? at St. Crux-in-the-Marsh." "Don't lose your patience, Mr. Vanstone!

She only succeeded by bringing the blank envelope to him upon the paper-case, and putting it coaxingly on his lap. He grumbled, he even swore, but he directed the envelope at last, in these terms: "To Admiral Bartram, St. Crux-in-the-Marsh. Favored by Mrs. Lecount." With that final act of compliance his docility came to an end. He refused, in the fiercest terms, to seal the envelope.

Crux-in-the-Marsh, Essex, sole executor of this my will." "Have you written those words, sir?" "Yes." Mrs. Lecount laid down the Draft; Noel Vanstone laid down the pen. They neither of them looked at each other. There was a long silence. "I am waiting, Mr. Noel," said Mrs. Lecount, at last, "to hear what your wishes are in respect to the disposal of your fortune.

One of them is an under-housemaid in the service of Admiral Bartram, at St. Crux-in-the-Marsh. I found that out from Mrs. Attwood's master; and as soon as I arrived at the discovery, I privately determined to make Mrs. Attwood's acquaintance. Stranger still, is it not?" Louisa began to look a little uneasy.

With those words, Captain Wragge opened his pocketbook and wrote down the address from Noel Vanstone's dictation, as follows: "Admiral Bartram, St. Crux-in-the-Marsh, near Ossory, Essex." "Good!" cried the captain, closing his pocketbook again. "The only difficulty that stood in our way is now cleared out of it. Patience, Mr. Vanstone patience!

"'Noel Vanstone, Esquire," replied the captain, "'Admiral Bartram's, St. Crux-in-the-Marsh." "Ossory, Essex," chimed in the postmaster, throwing the letter back into the box. "The lady has made no mistake, sir. The address is quite right."

What attraction I find in this good woman, on my side, is soon told. I have a great curiosity an unaccountable curiosity, you will think about the present course of household affairs at St. Crux-in-the-Marsh. Mrs. Attwood's daughter is a good girl, and constantly writes to her mother.

Crux-in-the-Marsh, Essex. She wrote in a great hurry, and she is not quite certain whether she added the name of the post-town, 'Ossory. It is of the last importance that the delivery of the letter should not be delayed. I put it to you as a zealous officer, what possible objection can there be to granting my request?"