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"I only want to grind your machine into powder. I want to dig up the rotten municipal control of this city, root and branch. I want to ferret out every bit of crookedness in which you have been concerned, and every bit that you have caused.

The only crookedness about the matter us far has been the government's silence towards me, for it would have been only fair to let me know by this, and officially at that, whether during next month I to live here or in Pomerania with wife and child.

The elements such as straightness or crookedness of channel, character of bottom and banks, volume and previous velocity of current, mass of water far above the obstruction, extraordinary drought or humidity of seasons, relative extent to which the river may be affected by the precipitation in its own basin, and by supplies received through subterranean channels from sources so distant as to be exposed to very different meteorological influences, effects of clearing and other improvements always going on in new countries are all extremely difficult, and some of them impossible, to be known and measured.

Not a bit of their life, but had been dear to the Lord Jesus but He had spoken of it, taught from it, made it sacred. The shepherd herding the sheep how could he, of all men, forget and blaspheme the Good Shepherd? The sower scattering the seed how could he, of all men, forget and blaspheme the Heavenly Sower? Oh, the crookedness of sin! Oh, the hardness of men's hearts!

Disjointed exclamations, oaths and curses intermingled with harsh laughter. The woman Lillian Rafter, probably the finest actress and stool-pigeon in the whole detective world of graft and crookedness lighted a cigarette at the gas-burner, and laughed with triumph.

"By the way, Hilary," said Bellingham, "did you ever know who wrote that article in the Abstract, when Northwick's crookedness first appeared?" "Yes," said Hilary. "It was a young fellow of twenty-four or five." "Come off!" said Bellingham, in a slang phrase then making its way into merited favor. "What's become of him? I haven't seen anything else like it in the Abstract."

They were originally dug out by cart-ruts, whereas those of nearly every other town in Australia were mapped out long before they were inhabited. But if they were not so ill-kept, and the footpaths so wretchedly paved, I could forgive the narrowness and crookedness of the Sydney streets, on account of their homely appearance.

Now, Robin, Sir Walter had great friends at court, therefore his kinsmen stirred up things against my son so that, to save him from prison, I had to pay a ransom of six hundred pounds in gold. All might have gone well even yet, only that, by ins and outs and crookedness of laws, I was shorn like a sheep that is clipped to the quick.

The river was full of logs long, slender, barkless pine logs and we leaned on the rails of the bridge, and watched the men put them together into rafts. These rafts were of a shape and construction to suit the crookedness and extreme narrowness of the Neckar.

"How in the world could you foresee the crookedness of that hoary Beelzebub?" "That's all very well," said Bolles, miserably. "You would never have mentioned it yourself to him." "You and I, Bolles, are different. I was raised on miscellaneous wickedness. A look at my insides would be liable to make you say your prayers." The school-master smiled.