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Having undertaken to perform what they wished, he sent two thousand chosen armed men in ships of war to the mouth of the river, under the command of Quintus Naevius Crista, praefect of the allies, a man of enterprise, and experienced in military affairs.

The inner lips, the nymphæ or labia minora, running parallel with the greater lips which enclose them, embrace the clitoris anteriorly and extend backward, enclosing the urethral exit between them as well as the vaginal entrance. They form little wings whence their old Latin name, alæ, and from their resemblance to the cock's comb were by Spigelius termed crista galli.

Then, as if having just solved it, he gives a sudden start, exclaiming: "Sangre de Crista! that's the explanation of all, the whole affair; murder, abduction, everything." His words, though only muttered, awaken Cypriano, still only half-asleep. "What is it, Gaspar?" questions the youth. "Oh, nothing, senorito; only a mosquito that took a fancy to stick its bill into the bridge of my nose.

Ray's Supplement, which agrees exactly with this in every respect, only that is twice larger at the least. It was sent from Surinam by the name of momoo. Jasminum Brasilanum luteum, mali limoniae folio nervoso, petalis crassis. Crista Pavonis Brasiliana Bardanae foliis.