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The Rube was beginning to labor in the box; Ashwell was limping; Spears looked as if he would drop any moment; McCall could scarcely walk. But if the ball came his way he could still run. Nevertheless, I never saw any finer fielding than these cripped players executed that inning. "Ash Mac can you hold out?" I asked, when they limped in. I received glances of scorn for my question.

If you've been wonderin' how the cripped Stars won so many games just put what you've seen in your pipe and smoke it. Red Gilbat gets on Reddy Clammer gets on and then Reddie Ray drives them home or chases them home." The game went on, and though it did not exactly drag it slowed down considerably. Morrissey and Healy were retired on infield plays. And the sides changed.

Ugh! I don't like folks when they are sick. Ma was awful. I can remember it. And there was pa, when he was cripped with rheumatism before he died." This phase of the matter fairly staggered Ida May Bostwick. She put the faint glimmerings of the idea out of her mind or tried to.

It's fifteen by road." "Then here is where you take the moccasins." "Nope. My feet are so swelled you couldn't start my boots with a fence stretcher. They's no use both of us gettin' cripped up." Bartley's own feet ached from the constant bruising of pebbles. Presently Cheyenne dropped back and asked Bartley to set the pace. "I'll just tie to your shadow," said Cheyenne. "Keeps me interested.