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First he squinted into the right "eff" hole and he grunted in approval as he spied the label, which read as follows: NICOLAUS AMATI CREMONENSIS Faciebat Anno 1670 "Do you know anything about them old violins?" Aaron asked anxiously. Abe smiled in a superior way.

Even in the time of the Franks, when the consideration shown to the church and its representatives was much greater than under any of the Lombard kings, we find Charlemagne, on suspicion of infidelity to his government, having sent to him and retaining as prisoners the bishops "Civitatis Pisanae seu Lencanae" and Pottoni, Abbot of the monastery of Volturno; and Lewis the Pious sends into exile "Ermoldo Nigello Abatis," and in the year 818 several other bishops, including Anselmus "Mediolanensis Archiepiscopus," "Wolfoldus Cremonensis" and "Theodolphus Amelianensis."

His heart leapt with a violent pulsation as he read the characters, "Antonius Stradiuarius Cremonensis faciebat, 1704." Under ordinary circumstances it would naturally be concluded that such a label was a forgery, but the conditions were entirely altered in the case of a violin found in a forgotten cupboard, with proof so evident of its having remained there for a very long period.

"The most remarkable feature," he concluded, "is that the instrument bears a double label. Besides the label which you have already seen bearing 'Antonius Stradiuarius Cremonensis faciebat, with the date of his most splendid period, 1704, so clearly that the ink seems scarcely dry, there is another smaller one higher up on the back which I will show you."

For answer Morris handed him the label. On the obverse side Abe read the inscription: Nicolaus Amati Cremonensis Faciebai Anno 1670. "Now turn it over," Morris said; and Abe described on the reverse side a familiar oval mark bearing the following inscription: Allied Printers Trades Council, Union Label, New York City. "What is the use talking, Mawruss?" Abe Potash protested.