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At times his characters will speak with something far beyond propriety with a true heroic note; but on the next page they will be wading wearily forward with an ungrammatical and undramatic rigmarole of words. The man who could conceive and write the character of Elspeth of the Craigburnfoot, as Scott has conceived and written it, had not only splendid romantic, but splendid tragic gifts.

Elspeth was unco clever in her young days, as I can mind right weel, but there was aye a word o' her no being that chancy. Ane suldna speak ill o' the dead mair by token, o' ane's cummer and neighbour but there was queer things said about a leddy and a bairn or she left the Craigburnfoot.

"There was little clash about it, man," replied Macraw; "he liked this young leddy, ana suld hae married her, but his mother fand it out, and then the deil gaed o'er Jock Webster. At last, the peer lass clodded hersell o'er the scaur at the Craigburnfoot into the sea, and there was an end o't." "An end ot wi' the puir leddy," said the mendicant, "but, as I reckon, nae end o't wi' the yerl."

For thus much I ascertained, by my former inquiries concerning the event of that deplorable evening, that a child and woman were carried that night from the cottage at the Craigburnfoot in a carriage and four by your brother Edward Geraldin Neville, whose journey towards England with these companions I traced for several stages.

"Is there not," he said, "an old woman lodging in this or one of the neighbouring cottages, called Elspeth, who was long resident at Craigburnfoot of Glenallan?" "It's my gudemither, my lord," said Margaret; "but she canna see onybody e'enow Ohon! we're dreeing a sair weird we hae had a heavy dispensation!"

At times his characters will speak with something far beyond propriety with a true heroic note; but on the next page they will he wading wearily forward with an ungrammatical and undramatic rigmarole of words. The man who could conceive and write the character of Elspeth of the Craigburnfoot, as Scott has conceived and written it, had not only splendid romantic, but splendid tragic gifts.

For thus much I ascertained, by my former inquiries concerning the event of that deplorable evening, that a child and woman were carried that night from the cottage at the Craigburnfoot in a carriage and four by your brother Edward Geraldin Neville, whose journey towards England with these companions I traced for several stages.

My dwelling at Craigburnfoot is before my een, as it were present in reality: the green bank, with its selvidge, just where the burn met wi' the sea the twa little barks, wi' their sails furled, lying in the natural cove which it formed the high cliff that joined it with the pleasure-grounds of the house of Glenallan, and hung right ower the stream Ah! yes I may forget that I had a husband and have lost him that I hae but ane alive of our four fair sons that misfortune upon misfortune has devoured our ill-gotten wealth that they carried the corpse of my son's eldest-born frae the house this morning But I never can forget the days I spent at bonny Craigburnfoot!"

"Is there not," he said, "an old woman lodging in this or one of the neighbouring cottages, called Elspeth, who was long resident at Craigburnfoot of Glenallan?" "It's my gudemither, my lord," said Margaret; "but she canna see onybody e'enow Ohon! we're dreeing a sair weird we hae had a heavy dispensation!"

My dwelling at Craigburnfoot is before my een, as it were present in reality: the green bank, with its selvidge, just where the burn met wi' the sea the twa little barks, wi' their sails furled, lying in the natural cove which it formed the high cliff that joined it with the pleasure-grounds of the house of Glenallan, and hung right ower the stream Ah! yes I may forget that I had a husband and have lost him that I hae but ane alive of our four fair sons that misfortune upon misfortune has devoured our ill-gotten wealth that they carried the corpse of my son's eldest-born frae the house this morning But I never can forget the days I spent at bonny Craigburnfoot!"