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"Otra copita! vamos Inglesito: Otra copita!" "Thank you, my good sir, you are very kind, you appear to know me, but I have not the honour of knowing you." "Not know me!" replied the being. "I am Sevilla, the torero. I know you well; you are the friend of Baltasarito, the national, who is a friend of mine, and a very good subject."

He was satisfied with the price I gave him, and offered to treat me with a copita, to which I made no objection. As we sat discoursing at the table, the national entered with the passport in his hand, and sat down by us. National. Caballero!

I whispered, as the man swung past us in his chequered serape. I pushed the ring close up to the root of my finger, shutting my hand upon it tight as a vice. "Vamos a tomar otra copita!" The Taos whisky had by this time produced its effect upon the dancers. The trappers and teamsters had become noisy and riotous.

He was satisfied with the price I gave him, and offered to treat me with a copita, to which I made no objection. As we sat discoursing at the table, the National entered with the passport in his hand, and sat down by us. "National. 'Caballero, I return you your passport; it is quite in form. I rejoice much to have made your acquaintance.

"Oh, you'd easily get another, and better. A man of your strength By the way, talking of strength, my good Manuel, you don't seem to have quite recovered from your journey, which must have been long and fatiguing. Take another copita; you're in need of it; 'twill do you good." Pressure of this sort put upon an Indian, be he bravo or manso, is rarely resisted. Nor is it in Manuel's case.

'Otra copita! vamos Inglesito: Otra copita! 'Thank you, my good sir, you are very kind. You appear to know me, but I have not the honour of knowing you. 'Not know me! replied the being. 'I am Sevilla, the torero. I know you well; you are the friend of Baltasarito, the national, who is a friend of mine, and a very good subject.

"Have a cigar and a copita of this capital stuff; it's the best that Tequila produces." "I've brought other company that may be more cheerful than mine," returns the adjutant, still keeping his feet. "Ah! some of our fellows from the cuartel? Bring them in." "It is not any of the officers, Colonel. There's only one man, and he's a civilian. "Civilian or soldier, you're free to introduce him.