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It did not last very long, and in fact it hardly survived the brief stay which the young man made in Pymantoning, where his want of success in art-goods was probably owing to the fact that he gave his whole time to Cornelia, or rather Cornelia's mother, whom he found much more conversable; he played upon the banjo for her, and he danced a little clog-dance in her parlor, which was also her shop, to the accompaniment of his own whistling, first setting aside the bonnet-trees with their scanty fruitage of summer hats, and pushing the show-table against the wall.

I must confess I was at some loss in my mind how to make my address to his Majesty, but I had heard so much of the conversable temper of the king, and his particular sweetness of humour with the meanest soldier, that I made no more difficulty, but having paid my respects to Colonel Hepburn, thanked him for the honour he had done me, and offered to rise and wait upon him.

I endeavoured to gentle him a little by asking for a mug of ale, and once or twice drinking to him. This succeeded; he soon became so very civil and conversable, that I began to think him quite a pleasant fellow. This device I had learnt of the "Vicar of Wakefield," who always made his hosts affable by inviting them to drink with him.

Near by, we noticed many depressions and sinkages in the ground, and a conversable man in well-oiled overalls who joined us at a power- house, said it was from the giving way of the timbers in the disused copper-mines.

But the misgiving was not strong enough to shut up his telescope; perhaps it added a zest to the enjoyment. "The very princess you were just now dreaming of! the most beautiful and complete woman! Would I were the prince to win thee!" This aspiration was whispered, as though its object were within conversable distance. Balder could be imaginative enough when the humor took him.

'If you would try to amuse Miss Matilda yourself a little more, I think she would not be driven to seek amusement in the companionship of dogs and horses and grooms, so much as she is; and if you would be a little more cheerful and conversable with Miss Murray, she would not so often go wandering in the fields with a book in her hand.

But, seriously, I deserve your exception, for I am the only conversable being about the Hall, except the old priest and Rashleigh." "And who is Rashleigh, for Heaven's sake?" "Rashleigh is one who would fain have every one like him for his own sake. He is Sir Hildebrand's youngest son about your own age, but not so not well looking, in short.

Hints for characters: Nancy, a pretty, black-eyed, intelligent servant-girl, living in Captain H 's family. She comes daily to make the beds in our part of the house, and exchanges a good-morning with me, in a pleasant voice, and with a glance and smile, somewhat shy, because we are not acquainted, yet capable of being made conversable.

The women do not seem of the same country: if they are less gay than they were, they are more informed, enough to make them very conversable. I know six or seven with very superior understandings; some of them with wit, or with softness, or very good sense. From a drawing in the National Portrait Gallery by James Basire, after a sketch by Gray's friend and biographer, the Rev.

Being out of term the school was closed to its pupils, but we found a contractor there removing the old stoves and putting in a system of hot-water heating, which he said was better fitted to resist the cold of the Boston winters. He was not a very conversable man, but so much we screwed out of him, with the added fact that the tuition of that school was no longer free.