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The rotation of a disc inside the box produces a supply of static electricity, which passes in a stream of sparks between two contact-points in the open end of the stem D. The latter is tubular, and contains a wire insulated from the metal of the tube, and forming with the tube the circuit for the electric discharge. The handle enables the contrivance to be readily applied.

Munro's experiments have led him to the opinion that the action of the microphone must be attributed to the action of sonorous vibrations upon the air or gaseous medium separating the so-called contact-points of the electrodes, and that across these spaces, or films of gaseous matter, silent electrical discharges take place, the strengths of which, being determined by the thickness of the gaseous strata through which they pass, vary with the motion of the electrodes; and as, according to this hypothesis, the distances of the electrodes from one another is determined by the sound-waves, the sound in that way controls the current.

Neither of them dreams of climbing to the top of a grass-stalk. The full-grown Spider hunts trapper-fashion, ambushed in her tower; the young one hunts afoot through the scrubby grass. In both cases there is no web and therefore no need for lofty contact-points. They are not allowed to quit the ground and climb the heights.

It looks as though it were single, but, at the two ends, it is seen to divide and spread, tuft-wise, into numerous constituent parts, which are the product of as many crossings. These diverging fibres, with their several contact-points, increase the steadiness of the two extremities. The suspension-cable is incomparably stronger than the rest of the work and lasts for an indefinite time.

A singularly disconcerting spectacle! And I reflected that, according to dreams already coming true, the telephone-exchange also would soon be a solitude of clicking contact-points, functioning in mystic certitude, instead of a convent of girls requiring sugar and couches, and thirsting for love. A singularly disconcerting prospect!

These diverging fibres, with their several contact-points, increase the steadiness of the two extremities. The suspension-cable is incomparably stronger than the rest of the work and lasts for an indefinite time. The web is generally shattered after the night's hunting and is nearly always rewoven on the following evening.