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"Is the boa constrictor found in this part of Africa?" "Not so far south as we now are, but it is a few degrees more to the northward. I have never seen it, but I believe there is no doubt of its existence." "The South American Indians have a very subtle poison with which they kill their game. Are you aware, Swinton, of its nature? Is it like the Bushmen's poison?"

We hope that this rapid review of the question does not make you tremble, that you are not one of those men whose nervous fluid congeals at the sight of a precipice or a boa constrictor! Well! my friend, he who owns soil has war and toil. The men who want your gold are more numerous than those who want your wife.

"`Surely, thought we, `he is not going to encounter the rattlesnake the most terrible of all reptiles. But the constrictor understood one chapter of herpetology better than we for the next moment we saw him drop to the ground; and, almost as quick as thought, appear lapped in sable folds around the speckled body of the `crotalus!

It was an everlasting pity Alden contradicted him, for he broke out like one ravin distracted mad. I'll be d d, said he, if ever I saw a Yankee that did'nt bolt his food whole like a Boa Constrictor. How the devil can you expect to digest food, that you neither take the trouble to dissect, nor time to masticate?

The other owners of the show thought it was a good time to take the boa constrictor and pull an ulcerated tooth, 'cause he was sort of dumpish, so pa and I helped hold the snake, which is about twenty feet long.

Mr Dombey having nothing else to say, proposed the breakfast being now finished, and the Major gorged, like any Boa Constrictor that they should start.

"I never saw the moon get off on a tear before." "Except when you had it on the end of a stick," said Peter, with a noise which was intended for a laugh, but which sounded more like a sigh of disgust. "Well, we've got to stay here until morning," Jimmie said, presently, "and I'm so hungry that I could eat a boa constrictor right now." "Quit!" cried Peter.

"Is the boa constrictor found in this part of Africa?" "Not so far south as we now are, but it is a few degrees more to the northward. I have never seen it, but I believe there is no doubt of its existence." "The South American Indians have a very subtile poison with which they kill their game. Are you aware, Swinton, of its nature? Is it like the Bushmen's poison?"

The only novelty in the vegetation was the Fashak-tree, a creeper like a gigantic constrictor, with sweet yellow wood somewhat resembling liquorice. Signs of Arab everywhere appeared, but there were no tents. Consequently we were unable to ascertain the extent of the water-supply an important matter if this is to become the port of El-Wijh.

A boa constrictor gorged with an ox is so stupid with excess that the creature is easily killed. What man, on the wrong side of forty, is rash enough to work after dinner? And remark in the same connection, that all great men have been moderate eaters.