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Particularly retributive were the punishments visited upon Messrs. Mays and Prevatt generally recognized as the most vicious slave drivers of the section. Bellamy, Coker says built the road with slave labor and as an investment, realizing much money on tolls on it for many years.

"You little brute!" cried Paul, "I could have you up for assault for that!" But upon this Coggs did the very same thing only harder. "Last term you'd have shown fight for much less, Bultitude," they both observed severely, as some justification for repeating the process. "Now, perhaps, you'll drop it for the future," said Coker. "Look here! we'll give you one more chance.

John Gary Evans, Spartanburg, first and Mrs. J. L. Coker, Hartsville, second, vice-president; Mrs. Henry Martin, Columbia, secretary; Mrs. F. T. Kicklin, Chester, treasurer. Dr. Rosa H. Gannt, Spartanburg, was appointed legislative chairman. Three organized leagues Columbia, Charleston and Spartanburg with a membership of about 450, joined at this time.

"H-hadn't we better run, don't you think?" he asked. "Run!" said Coker scornfully. "What for? I'm not going to run. You can, if you like." "Why, ah, really," said Paul briskly, very grateful for the permission; "do you know, I think I will!"

It was, in fact, a hazy recollection from English history of the ruse by which Edward I., when a prince, contrived to escape from his captors at Hereford Castle. "Why why," he said excitedly, "would you race if you had something worth racing for, hey? would you now?" "Try us!" said Coker emphatically. "What do you call 'something'?" inquired Chawner suspiciously. "Well," said Mr.

The environs of Yeovil are delightful. One of the best short excursions is to East Coker, the birthplace of William Dampier, two miles to the south. The church and Court are beautifully placed above the old village and a picturesque group of almshouses line the upward way to them.

Munsell, chairman of the American Citizenship Committee, reported a ten-day course of citizenship at Winthrop Summer School; a summer class at the University of South Carolina; one at Coker College, Hartsville, conducted by Mrs. J. L. Coker, and a course at Converse College, Spartanburg. Mrs.

Daniel A. Payne, a talented clergyman, mentioned in this work, has now in his possession a copy of the pamphlet, and informs us, that the whole ground assumed by the modern abolitionists, was taken and reviewed in this pamphlet, by Daniel Coker. We may reasonably infer, that the ideas of Anti-Slavery, as taught by the friends of the black race at the present day, were borrowed from Mr.

"If you think the tea worth racing like that for, I don't," said Coggs viciously; "it's muck." "You don't catch me racing, except for something worth having," said Coker. One more flash of distinct inspiration came to Paul's aid in the very depths of his gloom.

After a moment or two of anxious waiting he heard Coggs shout, all in one breath, "One-two-three-off!" and the sound of scampering feet followed immediately. It was a most exciting and hotly contested race. Paul saw them for one brief moment in the lamplight. He saw Chawner scudding down the path like some great camel, and Coker squaring his arms and working them as if they were wings.