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From the time of Vincent de Beauvais, who died in 1264, France had not been wanting in illustrious scholars, but it could not be said that a French school of art existed. François Clouet or Cloet, called Jehannet, was born in Tours about 1500.

At about the same time there was a court painter in the employment of François under the official designation of varlet de chambre named JEHAN CLOUET, who is supposed to have been of Flemish extraction.

Olivier, looking backward, saw in Gothic statuary all the types of the provinces of to-day: and so in the drawings of a Clouet and a Dumoustier, the weary ironical faces of worldly men and intellectuals: or in the work of a Lenain the clear eyes of the laborers and peasants of Ile-de-France or Picardy. And the thoughts of the men of old days lived in the minds of the present day.

At that moment Lady Erskine entered the room with the fatal picture of Willie Hughes in her hand. 'When George was dying he begged me to give you this, she said. As I took it from her, her tears fell on my hand. The picture hangs now in my library, where it is very much admired by my artistic friends. They have decided that it is not a Clouet, but an Oudry.

But unlike the vulgar herd he did not scribble in huge chalk letters all over the blinds "The boss has joined the army." No, indeed, not he! Twenty four hours later appeared a most elaborate meticulous sign which announced: MONSIEUR CLOUET wishes to inform his numerous customers that he has joined the ranks of the 169th infantry, and shall do his duty as a Frenchman.

Here also are miniatures by other great painters, such as Pourbus, Guido Reni, Bassano, Clouet, Holbein. Look particularly at No. 3382, a woman with brown hair, in purple a most fascinating little picture. The Ignota in No. 3348 might easily be Henrietta Maria, wife of Charles I of England.

Charles Napier was taken prisoner at Corunna, desperately wounded; and his friends at home did not know whether he was alive or dead. A special messenger was sent out from England with a frigate to ascertain his fate. Baron Clouet received the flag, and informed Ney of the arrival. "Let the prisoner see his friends," said Ney, "and tell them he is well, and well treated."

His wife returned to her father's home, and it was she who pasted up the series of neat little bulletins. First we read: MONSIEUR CLOUET is in the trenches but his health is excellent. He begs his customers and friends to send him news of themselves. Postal Sector 24X.

which contains a series of most interesting historical portraits. Among the sixteenth-century painters cited by Félibien, the Vasari of French painting, most of whom are but names to us, we may distinguish the Clouet family of four generations. The senior Jehan, born in Flanders in 1420, came to France in 1460 as painter to the Duke of Burgundy.

But the gallant Admiral Clouet, who commanded, disdained such work as this he was willing and eager to fight any German warships that he could come across, but had no inclination for the inglorious task of seizing unarmed merchantmen. For two years or so I remained in the employ of the trading firm. Hayes then lived in Apia or rather at Matautu, on the east side of Apia Harbour.