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The beds came almost, if not quite, up to the level of the rafters, and screened off behind them perhaps a third of the entire space, which was used as a lumber closet or store. Above the rafters, well furnished with cleeks for the family stock of hams, there was spread, in lieu of a ceiling, a large sheet of canvas or coarse unbleached cotton.

Like the wares of boastful advertisers, there is no other which is "just as good," and if a golfer finds that he can do no business with his cleek, the sooner he learns to do it the better will it be for his game. And there are many different kinds of cleeks, the choice from which is to a large extent to be regulated by experiment and individual fancy.

A Christian's life they harm na, though they mak' it a mere weariness to him; but for him that quits the Prophet, tearing the flesh wi' iron cleeks is the best they hae for him. This time Yusuf retreated, not as usual in anger, but as if the bare idea he had broached was too terrible to be dwelt upon.

First a word as to the club, for there is scarcely an article in the golfer's kit which presents more scope for variety of taste and style. Drivers and brassies vary a little, cleeks and irons differ much, but mashies are more unlike each other than any of them.

A test of the golfer The versatility of the cleek Different kinds of cleeks Points of the driving mashie Difficulty of continued success with it The cleek is more reliable Ribbed faces for iron clubs To prevent skidding The stance for an ordinary cleek shot The swing Keeping control over the right shoulder Advantages of the three-quarter cleek shot The push shot My favourite stroke The stance and the swing The way to hit the ball Peculiar advantages of flight from the push stroke When it should not be attempted The advantage of short swings as against full swings with iron clubs Playing for a low ball against the wind A particular stance Comparisons of the different cleek shots General observations and recommendations Mistakes made with the cleek.

I am inclined to think that one reason why so many players find it extremely difficult to get good work out of their cleeks, is that they use them with heads too thin and light. A large proportion of the cleeks one sees about are too delicate and ladylike.

Making a broad classification, there are driving cleeks, ordinary cleeks, pitching cleeks, and cleeks with the weight in the centre. For the last-named variety I have little admiration, excellent as many people consider them to be. If the ball is hit with absolute accuracy in the centre of the club's face every time, all is well; but it is not given to many golfers to be so marvellously certain.

My feelin's overcame me as I looked in her face and the child's, both lookin' like dyin' faces, and I sez with the tears a jest runnin' down my cleeks and a layin' my hand tender on her shoulder, "Is there anything I can do for you, you poor little creeter?" "Pray for me," sez she agin, with her white lips not movin' in a smile, nor a groan.

Even the driving cleeks have a certain amount of loft on their faces which enables them to get nicely under the ball, so that it rises with just sufficient quickness after being struck. And there is far less skidding with the cleek.

Men and women exploiters all, or parasites elegantly and coolly clad in white, smote the swift sphere upon the tennis-court, with jest and laughter. Others, attended by caddies mere proletarian scum, bent beneath the weight of cleeks and brassies moved across the smooth-cropped links, kept in condition by grazing sheep and by steam-rollers.