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'Tell us what is wanted ye'ersilf or call in a journeyman who's wurrukin' card is dated this cinchry, I says. 'An' I'm r-right too, Hinnissy." "Well," said Mr. Hennessy, slowly, "those ol' la-ads was level-headed." "Thrue f'r ye," said Mr. Dooley. "But undher th' new iliction laws ye can't vote th' cimitries." The NEGRO PROBLEM "What's goin' to happen to th' naygur?" asked Mr. Hennessy.

They were a singularly badly mated couple, with a fam'ly iv fourteen childher, but he did not live long to enjoy his happiness. F'r some reason he niver left his house, but passed away within a month, one of th' gr-reatest men th' cinchry has projooced.

Dooley, "I didn't vote f'r Mack, but I'm with him now. I had me doubts whether he was th' gr-reatest military janius iv th' cinchry, but they'se no question about it. We go into this war, if we iver do go into it, with th' most fash'n-able ar-rmy that iver creased its pants. 'Twill be a daily hint fr'm Paris to th' crool foe.

I'd be so far away fr'm the multitood, Hinnissy, that they cud on'y distinguish me rile features with a spy- glass. I'd have polismen at ivry tur-rn, an' I'd have me subjicks retire to th' cellar whin I took me walk. Divvle a bit wud you catch me splattherin' mesilf with morthar an' stickin' newspapers in a hole in a corner shtone to show future gin'rations th' progress iv crime in this cinchry.