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There were several volumes of autograph letters from learned men, collected by Graevius, and several very beautiful breviaries, among which was one in duodecimo, bound in silver, and containing as many beautiful figures as I have ever seen in such books. Mr. Le Roy also showed me the 'Officia Ciceronis, printed by Scheffer in 1466 namely the books De Amicitia et Senectute."

She closed M.T. Ciceronis Orationes Selectæ, gathered together her other paraphernalia, and then she said suddenly: "I may leave school next week, Mr. Queed. I don't think I'm going to graduate." He looked up, surprised and displeased. "Why on earth do you think that?" "Well, you see, they don't think I'm strong enough to keep up the work right now.

Bound a hundred years ago, perhaps, and one of the rich old browned covers gone what a pity! Do you know what to do about it? I 'll tell you, no, I 'll show you. Look at this volume. M. T. Ciceronis Opera, a dozen of 'em, one of 'em minus half his cover, a poor one-legged cripple, six months ago, now see him.

CORNELIUS SEVERUS, a better versifier than poet, wrote a Sicilian War, of which the first book was extremely good. In it occurred the verses on the death of Cicero, quoted by the elder Seneca with approbation: Oraque magnanimum spirantia paene virorum In rostris iacuere suis: sed enim abstulit omnis, Tanquam sola foret, rapti Ciceronis imago.

Bound a hundred years ago, perhaps, and one of the rich old browned covers gone what a pity! Do you know what to do about it? I 'll tell you, no, I 'll show you. Look at this volume. M. T. Ciceronis Opera, a dozen of 'em, one of 'em minus half his cover, a poor one-legged cripple, six months ago, now see him.