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Why, do you but think of such terrible words as religion and duty and love, and patriotism and art, and honor and common-sense, and of what these tyrannizing words do to and make of people!" "No, that is chop-logic: for words are only transitory noises, whereas man is the child of God, and has an immortal spirit."

"Mere chop-logic! you have nothing to say, not a step do I take to go to him." The girl clasped her hands over her face, and sobbed loudly and pitifully. Keraunus started up and cried out, beside himself. "By great Serapis. I can bear this no longer. What are you whimpering about?" The girl plucked up courage and going up to the indignant man she said, though more than once interrupted by tears.

"Mere chop-logic! you have nothing to say, not a step do I take to go to him." The girl clasped her hands over her face, and sobbed loudly and pitifully. Keraunus started up and cried out, beside himself. "By great Serapis. I can bear this no longer. What are you whimpering about?" The girl plucked up courage and going up to the indignant man she said, though more than once interrupted by tears.

"Mere chop-logic! you have nothing to say, not a step do I take to go to him." The girl clasped her hands over her face, and sobbed loudly and pitifully. Keraunus started up and cried out, beside himself. "By great Serapis. I can bear this no longer. What are you whimpering about?" The girl plucked up courage and going up to the indignant man she said, though more than once interrupted by tears.

After the Teacher left, many new doctrines were brought about, and much chop-logic was put into the text-books by those who succeeded Him, but with all their human invention they have never approached the perfection of the motto that He left behind for the corner-stone of good manners.

Sermons were preached; books were written; and, when argument was exhausted, unpleasant epithets were bandied about, much as in the present day, in similar cases. The result was that two theories were evolved, both extremely interesting as illustrations of the hair-splitting, chop-logic tendency which, amidst all their straightforwardness, was so strongly characteristic of the Elizabethans.

I have read Du Maurier's foolish little book as a disagreeable duty. The lot of the critic is an unenviable one. He must read everything, even such insufferable rot as "Coin's Financial School," and those literary nightmares turned loose in rejoinder veritable Rozinantes, each bearing a chop-logic Don Quixote with pasteboard helmet and windmill spear.