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"Nothin' would suit either o' you girls but choosin' the biggest enemies I've got in the whole village!" "You've never taken pains to make anything but enemies, so what could we do?" "You might as well go to live on the poor-farm! Aaron Boynton was a disrep'table hound; Lois Boynton is as crazy as a loon; the boy is a no-body's child, an' Ivory's no better than a common pauper."

We went into a store, I recollect, where there was all kinds spread out in trays, an' Dave an' me started to pick out what we'd have. As I stood there attemptin' to decide, I couldn't help thinkin' that selectin' that candy was a good deal like choosin' a wife. You couldn't have all the different kinds, an' makin' up your mind which you preferred was a seven-days' conundrum."

Cobb. "There wa'n't many names left when your mother got through choosin'! You've got a powerful good memory! I guess it ain't no trouble for you to learn your lessons, is it?" "Not much; the trouble is to get the shoes to go and learn 'em. These are spandy new I've got on, and they have to last six months. Mother always says to save my shoes.

But he brushed them away at sight of her, and spoke roughly and told her to be gone and find the difference between a good father and a bad husband. "Go to the misery of your awn choosin'; go to him an' the rubbish-heap he calls a farm! Thankless an' ontrue, go, an' look to me in the future to keep you out of the poorhouse and no more. An' that for your mother's sake not yourn."

"Whatever ye says from now on, erbout takin' me er leavin' me, ther enemy's done picked me out es ther head man of ther Harpers an' what they'd love best would be ter see ye all cavillin' amongst yoreselves. Caleb Harper picked me out, too. Now I aims ter stand by his choosin' an' I aims ter be heeded when I talks."

"Then you think he's shown sense in choosin' of her?" pursued Jeff's mother, resolute to find some praise of him in Westover's words. "He's a very fortunate man," said the painter. "Well, I guess you're right," Mrs. Durgin acquiesced, as much to Jeff's advantage as she could.

"This lemonade's gittin' kind o' dusty," he complained, "I cal'lated to hev a kind of a spree on it when I got through choosin' Rose's weddin' present, but I guess the pig'll he v to help me out."

C. Good-bye, then. You will have your own way! Col. G. This once, Clara. Exeunt severally. SCENE. A garret-room. Mat. At the worst we've got to die some day, Sue, and I don't know but hunger may be as easy a way as another. Sus. I'd rather have a choice, though. And it's not hunger I would choose. Mat. There are worse ways. Sus. Never mind: we don't seem likely to be bothered wi' choosin'. Mat.

"Well, my little man!" said Miss Oliver. "And what might you be doing here, all by yourself?" "Choosin'," answered 'Biades. Reluctantly he withdrew his eyes again from gloating on Mrs Pengelly's miscellaneous exhibits. "I 'spect it'll end in peppermint lumps, but I'd rather have trousers if a whole penny would run to 'em."

Troth, the world is in mortial need of fortunes like the last." "And wouldn't you be choosin' gold for a fortune?" asked the tinker. Patsy shook her head vehemently. "Why not?" "That's the why!" Suddenly Patsy clenched her hands and shook two menacing fists against the gathering dark.