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Then there was a whole tea-potful of chocolate-tea, which was a chocolate-cream drop scraped fine and mixed with water. Do just try it sometime. Thimble-biscuits, too, and holes with cookies round them.

"And from a J man into a J drawer," continued Sattie drearily, "and from a K man into " The hurried passing of the chocolate creams in her direction brought about a welcome silence. "What's your plan, Miss Sinclair?" Inquired Mr. Bassity. "Oh, Grace has a snap," said Sattie in thick, chocolate-cream accents. "My Despardoux car!" exclaimed Grace.

They don't read books, except a few chocolate-cream novels. They haven't the time." "But you " "Oh, I'm a freak! I get away with it because I'm passably good-looking and know how to dress, and do what I please by the divine right of well, of just doing it. But, even so, a lot of the men are rather afraid of me in their hearts. They suspect the bluestocking. Let 'em suspect!

It was a chocolate-cream appeal; but cream-drops have their uses in this weary world.

A chocolate-cream expression struggled feebly with the quinine; and Johnny, who could translate the lines of the human countenance into dollars and cents with great accuracy, knew instantly that their two options had cost them thirty thousand dollars, and that he was offering the four ladies a profit of one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars' worth of gowns or diamonds each.

Father gave me a splendid parasol with a flowered border and painting materials and Mother gave me a huge postcard album for 800 cards and stories for school girls, and Dora gave me a beautiful box of notepaper and Mother had made a chocolate-cream cake for dinner to-day as well as the strawberry cream. The first thing in the morning the Warths sent me three birthday cards.

"Like me from you the woman I love? If he's in the same funk as me " "He's in a worse one. He's not only afraid of the lady he's afraid of other things." Mr. Mudge selected another chocolate-cream. "Well, I'm only afraid of one! But how in the world can you help this party?" "I don't know perhaps not at all. But so long as there's a chance " "You won't come away?" "No, you've got to wait for me."

The cowboy was looking down at the table and pulling at a flower in the centre-piece. He had ceased to smile. Miss Langham turned on him somewhat sharply, resenting his silence, and said, with a slight challenge in her voice: "Do you agree, Mr. Clay," she asked, "or do you prefer the chocolate-cream soldiers, in red coats and gold lace?"

"Is that its name?" asked Molly, who had secured a chocolate-cream, and was now burying her little white teeth in its soft lusciousness. "Oh, how sweet! and it melts while you're tasting. Is Vanity Fair all that way?" "Pretty much," he said gravely, with an odd look at Sara.

Mollie, being the guest, got first choice and took Jules Verne, turning the pictures over with much interest as she compared the Nautilus with the submarine of 1920. "I do think," she said emphatically, helping herself to a large chocolate-cream with entire disregard of both past and future, "I do think that your father is a perfect peach."