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"What makes you think that?" asked Betty, startled by the suggestion. Neale laid a hand on the girl's arm and turned her round to face the town. He lifted his stick and pointed at Joseph Chestermarke's high roof, towering above the houses around it; then he swept the stick towards the river and its course, plainly to be followed, in the direction of the station.

Now what are those two Chestermarkes after? Why didn't one of them come here? What are they doing? And what's the mystery? James Polke, my boy, here's a handful for you!" If Polke had been able to look into Chestermarke's Bank just then, he would have failed to notice any particular evidences of mystery.

"But I think I'm inclined to put breweries in the same line with banks. Don't you be too rash, Betty I'm not exactly cut out for commercialism. Not," he added reflectively, "not that I haven't been a very good servant to Chestermarke's. I have! But Chestermarkes are what they are!"

John Horbury, the manager of Chestermarke's Bank at Scarnham, pointed out to him when he left school, he needed more than three pounds a week if he wished to live comfortably and like a gentleman. Still, a hundred and fifty a year of sure and settled income was a fine thing, an uncommonly fine thing all that was necessary was to supplement it.

To one of these, a tower-like erection, considerably higher than the rest, the old landlord pointed. "I suppose you know that these back premises of mine partly overlook Joseph Chestermarke's garden?" he whispered. "They do, anyway you can see right over his garden and the back of his house that is, in bits, for he's a fine lot of tall trees round his lawns.

Hollis quite plainly: he would have known him again at any time. He was positive that the two gentlemen entered the lane which led to Mr. Gabriel Chestermarke's house. They were evidently making a direct line for it when he first saw them, and they crossed the high road straight to its entrance.

Clearly, considering everything, there were grounds for believing that there was some secret between Mrs. Carswell and Joseph Chestermarke. Anyway, rightly or wrongly, Starmidge was suspicious of the junior partner in Chestermarke's Bank, and he wanted to know everything that he could find out about him.

Gabriel Chestermarke, senior partner in Chestermarke's Bank, at Scarnham, while you, up to now " "Have only known him as Godwin Markham, money-lender, financial agent, and so on, of Conduit Street," interrupted Castlemayne. "And known him a lot too much for my peace, I can tell you! Of course, we're talking of the same man! I can quite believe he runs a double show.

If that was your governor who came down to the Station Hotel here on Saturday evening last, he certainly telephoned from there to Chestermarke's Bank as soon as he arrived. And he got a reply from there, and he evidently went out to meet whoever sent it that sender seeming to be Mr. Horbury, the manager.

He made no remark, and the silence was next broken by Joseph Chestermarke's soft accents. "Did Horbury give your lordship any receipt, or acknowledgment that he had received these jewels on deposit?" he asked. "I mean, of course, in our name?" The Earl twisted sharply in his chair, and Neale fancied that he saw a shade of annoyance pass over his good-natured face. "Certainly not!" he answered.