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'It's the talk of all the neighbours, and there are some even that know of their having been seen on board ship, and can tell you the name of the place they've gone to, which is more than I can, my dear, for it's a very hard one. 'I don't believe it, said Kit. 'Not a word of it. A set of idle chatterboxes, how should they know!

You wretched woman, do stop your incessant chatter. Like turtles, you go on forever. They are enough to kill one with their broad lingo nothing but a, a, a. G. Lord, where does the man come from? What is it to you if we are chatterboxes? Order about your own servants. Do you give orders to Syracusan women?

It struck me "with the full force of novelty," that any one should be deterred from speech by such a consideration. I have since wondered whether that particular phase of serpent-wisdom accounts for the non-committal silences with which some well-known wits entertain the social circle, the while a despairing hostess is making the best of such help as a few lively chatterboxes can give her.

There are plenty who show off, and give themselves airs, while at heart they are as empty chatterboxes as that worthy. Elena made no reply to her husband; at that instant she was far more concerned at Insarov's weakness than at the character of the whole younger generation in Russia. She sat down near him, and took up some work. He closed his eyes, and lay without moving, white and thin.

But he didn't do it; he merely smiled and stood there asking questions till the two chatterboxes had told him every thing there was to tell in the most confiding manner, for he very soon ceased to seem like a stranger, and looked so familiar that Bab, growing inquisitive in her turn, suddenly said, "Haven't you ever been here before? It seems as if I'd seen you." "Never in my life.

I shouldn't call such a woman famous. I daresay her name is known to lots of people. But this is the age of chatterboxes, and of course " At this moment the brougham rolled on to the rubber pavement in front of the Savoy Hotel and stopped before the entrance. As he was getting out and going into the hall, Meyer Isaacson remembered that the letter Mrs.

It is quite a relief to have, sitting opposite, that little girl of fifteen with the loquacious chin: who, to do her justice, acts up to it, and fully identifies nature's handwriting, for of all the small chatterboxes that ever invaded the repose of drowsy ladies' cabin, she is the first and foremost.

"Herbert shan't have it; I don't like his wife; she isn't respectful to Herbert's father. He wants to exchange it for city property, so he can go into business, he tells me." "Oh, does he?" exclaimed Marjorie. "I didn't know that." "Girls are rattlebrains and chatterboxes; they can't be told everything," he replied shortly.

I rushed away from it with beaded forehead and rising hair. "Then another's note piped up. No it droned. No! no! no! no! I stopped and took heart. Disgrace the woman I loved, on the brink of the grave? I , who asked no other boon from heaven than to see her happy, gracious, and good? Impossible. I would obey the great clock's voice; the others were mere chatterboxes.

"The only way to find out is to ask her," said Mr. Forbes, smiling. "Suppose I go over there now and ask. Shall I go alone, or take you three chatterboxes along?" "Oh, let us go," and Dotty sprang up; "we can coax and you can tell about the arrangements." "Very well," agreed Mr. Forbes, "come along, then."