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"Well, I did not mean to say too late," said Lady Delacour; "but let us go on to something else. Why were you not at the fete champetre the other day? and where were you all this morning? And pray can you tell me when your friend doctor X returns to town?" "Mr. Horton is getting better," said Clarence, "and I hope that we shall have Dr. X soon amongst us again.

Now we are passing a plantation where they are making merry a fete champetre. Many horses stand under the trees, "hitched" in the shade with saddles on, not a few of which are "ladies' saddles." In the verandah, the lawn, and through the orange shrubbery, may be seen moving about gentlemen and ladies richly attired. Music is heard, and there is dancing in the open air.

Here the youth is naked, the maid clothed and adorned a reversal, this, of Giorgione's Fête Champêtre in the Salon Carré of the Louvre, where the women are undraped, and the amorous young cavaliers appear in complete and rich attire.

These angels that Swedenborg paints give us no very high idea of their discipline and culture; they are all country parsons; their heaven is a fete champetre, and evangelical picnic, or French distribution of prizes to virtuous peasants.

I congratulated him very heartily on not having jumped, and our search for natural wonders being ended we went back to the hotel. We made inquiry there at first in vain about this inner cavern, but at last we came across the Garde Champêtre of the district, who told us that the depth was unknown. He and some of his friends had had the curiosity to try to measure it, but they never had rope enough.

His ordinary profession is that of a garde champetre, or village policeman, but during the past three weeks he had been busy with the spade, which he carried across his shoulder by my side.

This fine fete champetre is over. Expect no description of it from me, Gabrielle, for I am horribly out of humour. The whole pleasure of the evening was destroyed by the most foolish circumstance imaginable. Leonora's jealousy is now evident to more eyes than mine. No farther doubt upon the subject can remain.

Margot showed herself for an instant, then she ran back at full speed to the house, where she wished to forestall her father, who was discussing an official process with the Emperor. At last La Queue appeared. He was livid; he said to the garde champêtre: "Hold your peace! It's Rouget who has sent you here to beguile me. Well, then, he shall not get it. You'll see!"

The hideous leer of the thing with horns, looking down at the exquisite picture of the fete champetre the distorted features of the woman's face in the center of the ruby and emerald and sapphire of the Venetian mirror the cry of horror mixed with the laugh of the woman who mocked at religion and honor and purity all were consistently incongruous.

It is to be found also in Giorgione's Concert Champêtre, in the Louvre, in which the thrumming of the lute is, however, one among many delights appealing to the senses. This smouldering heat, this tragic passion in which youth revels, looking back already with discontent, yet forward also with unquenchable yearning, is the keynote of the Giorgionesque and the early Titianesque male portraiture.