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'Has confest much, Beleeve it, and so far they feare him not, They would be els more circumspect. 2 Cap. Pray ye, tell me, Is there no further newes of those are fledd, I meane those fellow Instruments? 1 Cap. None as yet, At least divulgd abroad. But certenly The wise States are not idle, neither at this time Do's it concerne their safeties. We shall heare shortly More of theis monsters. 2 Cap.

He just know'd a party wus yere likely 'nough sum Black Abolitionists, who'd be huntin' him if he didn't cl'ar out, just so soon as dey foun' dat Amos Shrunk wus ded. Her' wus his chance, an' he done took it." "Yet he would surely recognize the boat?" "Yas, sah; Ah reckon he wud, sah. Dat's de truth, whut stumps me. Dat white man am certenly full o' tricks.

I questioned incredulously, staring about at the dark, silent forest; which still remained in the deep night shade. "Why, there's nothing here." "No, sah; dar certenly don't 'pear fer ter be much," and the negro crept out of the cockpit and joined me, "'ceptin' dat boat. Dar ain't no boat 'round yere, les' folks hes bin a ridin' in it, Ah reckon.

Ah sure wish Ah know'd just whar he wus now. Ah'd certenly feel a heap easier if Ah did." He bent suddenly forward, his glance at the edge of the log. "Dey ain't took but just de one boat, sah, fer de odder am shoved under dar out'r sight."