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The radiate varieties of marigold, quoted in a former lecture, seem to be equally constant, when growing far away from their prototypes. I sowed the seeds of a single plant of the radiate form of Bidens cernua, and found all of the seedlings came true, and in the next year I had from their seed between 2,000 and 3,000 flowering individuals, all equally radiate.

It was supposed to be Chinese, and was introduced to cultivation by Messrs. Knight & Perry, the predecessors of Messrs. Veitch at the Chelsea Nurseries. It differs from C. torulosa proper, its habit being of low stature, and has slender pendulous branches; hence, it has been known in gardens by the names of C. gracilis, C. cernua, and C. pendula.

Family, Percidae; Genus, Acerina; Subgenus, Cernua, Flem. or Ruffe; Species, Cernua bidyana mihi, or Bidyan ruffe. Colour, brownish yellow, with the belly silvery white. The three middle pectoral rays are branched. The dorsals confluent. The first dorsal fin has 11 spines, the ventrals having 1 + 6 rays, and the anals 3 + 6. See Plate 9.

Species Organ Haemonchus contortus Abomasum Ascaris ovis Small intestine Strongylus filicollis Small intestine Oesophagostomum columbianum Intestines Uncinaria cernua Small intestine Trichocephalus affins Large intestine Strongylus filaria Bronchi Strongylus rufescens Bronchi and air follicles