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Cassar, throw them down upon the table; and, gentlemen, if you like them, they are at your service." The Spaniards were much struck at the sight of the Moors' heads, and no less so at the account the captain gave them of his engagement, and defeat of so large a force of barbarians.

But now the republicans were silent: before this new Julius Caesar they dare not lift up their swords, for the power belonged to him, and that he knew how to punish had been seen by trembling France not long ago at the execution of George Cadoudal and his associates, the people sanctioning those executions. There was no Brutus there to plunge the dagger into the breast of the new Cassar.

Some writers, indulging in the Darwinian theory of development, would make us believe that the ironclad of the present day is the legitimate offspring of the ancient coracle or wicker-work boat which is still to be found afloat on the waters of the Wye, and on some of the rivers of the east coast; but if such is the case, the descent must be one of many ages, for it is probable that the Britons had stout ships long before the legions of Cassar set their feet upon our shores.

But who can bear the hardy champion, who ventures nothing? who, in full security, undertakes the defence of the assassination of Cassar, and declares his resolution to speak plain?

This immense extent of forty days journey through deserts, seems to include the deserts of Sultus, Cobi, and Shamo, and to reach to the frontiers of Kathay, or Northern China. Cascar, Chascar, Cassar, Kaschgar, or Hasicar, according to Forster.