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Thin he takes hold av th' thing an' lifts fer th' good av his soul. Nary a inch does it move. "'I wud have opened it, but I heard th' captin's order not to disturb th' charts atop av it, sez I. "'Ye would, ye thafe, sez he. 'An' if ye had, inter irons would ye go fer th' raskil ye are. I never thought ye ware so bad, Chips, sez he.

I knows him, in course, just as one knows a neighbour's son. The captin's a good deal younger nor me, continued he, raising his new eight-and-sixpenny Parisian, as if to show his sandy grey hair. 'I'm a'most sixty; and he, I dare say, is little more nor twenty, dropping a half-crown as he said it.

"Lord love your 'art," said the boarding-master, "I wouldn't 'urt you. I'm on'y acting under your orders now; yours and the captin's. It ain't in my reg'lar way o' business at all, but I'm so good-natured I can't say 'no." "Can't say 'no' to five pounds, you mean," retorted Mr. Wilks, who by no means relished these remarks.

"Faix, thin, yer honour, if yer are going to spare the captin's life, I have no objection at all at all to live a little longer," answered Dan still, however, keeping his cutlass ready to defend himself. "And I'se too glad to 'cept your offer!" cried Pompey, who also wisely stood on his guard.

Trunnell ware sitting and smokin' on the wheel-gratin', an' all ware as quiet as ye please. I wint below whistling to set him off his guard, like; an' whin I sees me way clear I takes me chance at the afther-cabin, an' in I goes. I stopped whistlin' whin I makes th' enthry, an' I steered straight fer th' chist forninst the captin's room.

'But the captin's a nice young gent a nice young gent, without any blandishment, I should say; and that's more nor one can say of all young gents nowadays, said Buckram, looking at Pacey as he spoke, and dropping two consecutive half-crowns. 'Why, but you live near him, don't you? interrupted Bragg. 'Near him, repeated Buckram, feeling his well-shaven chin thoughtfully.

"It's only that we've diskivered our captin," cried Molloy, eager to get any one to sympathise. "Wot captin's that?" growled the Jack-tar. "Why, him as led us on the hillock, to be sure, at Suakim." When acts of heroism and personal prowess are of frequent occurrence, deeds of daring are not apt to draw general attention, unless they rise above the average.

'It's quare to think of how lonesome I am this minnit, continued he, as he blackened himself in ministering to the heaps. 'Sorra livin' sowl to spake to nearer than the captin's, barrin' the cow, an' the pigs, an' thim savidges down at the swamp.

"I'm no cook; I'm Bill Simmons, the 'Battersea Bruiser, an' I shipped on this ere little tub all for your dear captin's sake. I'm going to put sich a 'ed on 'im that when he wants to blow his nose he'll have to get a looking-glass to see where to go to.

"It's very ridiculous," he at length remarked, pouring forth at the same time, an unusual volume of smoke, and watching the curling eddies as they rose far above his head "it's very ridiculous, I say, the captin's order that we sha'nt fire. Look at them ducks how they seem to know all about it, too!" "By gosh!" said another, "I've a good notion to fetch my musket, and have a slap into them.