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His survey was interrupted by a question from the driver. "Are you calc'latin' to make a long stay in our village?" inquired Ajax, with Yankee freedom. "I am not quite certain. It is possible that I may." "There isn't much goin' on in winter." "No, I suppose not." After a few minutes' pause, he inquired, "Can you tell me if there is a gentleman living in the village named Haynes?"

"I'll have to keep at it pretty studdy," he explained apologetically to his visitor, "fer they say we're like enough not to have any more rain, and I'm calc'latin' to grub out the vineyard before the ground hardens up." "Goin' to yank them vines all out, are ye?" "That's the calc'lation." Parker clasped one knee, and whetted his knife on the toe of his boot reflectively.

"I always figgered," said Scattergood, urbanely, "that it was allus premature to git ahead of time.... I'm calc'latin' on runnin' down to see what kind of a fit of ailment Ovid's come down with." Next morning, having in the meantime industriously allowed the rumor to go abroad that Ovid was suddenly ill, Scattergood took the seven-o'clock for points south.

He's all but bu'st himself over that calc'latin' machine, and I'm much afraid that he'll clap Chips into the sausage-machine some day, just to see how it works. I hope he won't, for Chips an' I are great friends, though we've only bin a month together." "I hope he's a good man," said Mrs Willders thoughtfully.

And if you didn't want to sell her right out, I was calc'latin' to make you a handsome offer for all the eggs she laid." "There! Now you see what you've done, Maria! I declare I wouldn't gredge givin' a twenty dollar bill to fetch that white turkey back!" exclaimed Uncle Kittredge. "Oh, oh! Uncle Kittredge!"

I know, because I got ahead of you. I got that paper myself.... And we kin deal if I kin be made to feel safe.... Most things leaks out through wimmin.... Hain't mixin' any wimmin into this, be you?" "No." "Um!... How about Sairy Pound?" Curtis shrugged his shoulders. "Calc'latin' on takin' her away with you to-night?" "Not now," said Farley.

Them fellers," he said, even more somberly, "come here calc'latin' to cheat me out of my river.... Me bein' jest a fat man without no brains...." Crane and Keith had left Scattergood the executive head of the new dam and boom company, and had confided to him the task of building the dam and improving the river. He approached it sadly.

I watched him, 'n' he rid, very slow, all raoun' by the Institoot, 'n' acted as ef he was spyin' abaout. He looks to me like a man that's calc'latin' to do some kind of ill-turn to somebody. I should n't like to have him raoun' me, 'f there wa'n't a pitchfork or an eel-spear or some sech weep'n within reach.

"Well, I should think you could hev some on 'em. What be you calc'latin' to give?" "Whatever you say. I do not know at all the market price." "Good land! 't'a'n't never no use to try to dicker with city folks; they a'n't use to't. I'xpect you can hev 'em for two York shillin' apiece." "But how will you catch them?" "Oh, I'll ketch 'em, easy!"

He resumed his walk as slowly and thoughtfully as before, muttering to himself. "If I go, I goes alone; least I don't go with that Teddy, for he'd be sartin to lose my ha'r as sure as we got onto a trail. There's no calc'latin' the blunders of such a man. How he has saved his own scalp to this time is more nor I can tell, or himself neither, for that matter, I guess.