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If Victoria Ray had accepted Nevill Caird's invitation to be Lady MacGregor's guest and his, at Djenan el Djouad, many things might have been different. But she had wished to be independent, and had chosen to go to the Hotel de la Kasbah.

We reprint Mona Caird's ingenious response. Perhaps it might throw some light on the question whether marriage interferes with a woman's self-development and career, if we were to ask ourselves honestly how a man would fare in the position, say, of his own wife. We will take a mild case, so as to avoid all risk of exaggeration. Our hero's wife is very kind to him.

This man was swarthy and tall, and looked like some old Jewish prophet, as he lifted his rapt face and cried, like one crying in the wilderness, "Friends! I have a question to ask you to-night: 'What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" For twenty-three years David had silenced that voice, but it had found him out again it was Willie Caird's.

David thought him cool and cross, and was pained by the mood; but Maggie knew the meaning of the worried, slightly haughty manner; for in one quick glance, he had made her understand how bitter it was to leave her in her worse than loneliness; and how painful in his present temper was the vulgar effusiveness of Janet Caird's thanks and noisy farewells. An hour upon the sea cured him.

I did send for thee, That Talbot's name might be in thee revived, When sapless age and weak, unable limbs, Should bring thy father to his drooping chair. But O malignant and ill-boding stars! First part of Henry the Sixth. Duncan and his party had not proceeded very far in the direction of the Caird's Cove before they heard a shot, which was quickly followed by one or two others.

He also could not but be driven, if his life was to go on at all on any tolerable basis, to believe in something that had to do both with the world outside him and with the world of his heart, in a being which both had sympathy with his desires and power to give effect to them outwardly. Edward Caird's Gifford Lectures, The Evolution of Religion, 1893.

Then the rest of us pulled out again to pilot the other boats through the channel. The 'James Caird' was too heavy to be beached directly, so after landing most of the men from the 'Dudley Docker' and the 'Stancomb Wills' I superintended the transhipment of the 'James Caird's' gear outside the reef. Then we all made the passage, and within a few minutes the three boats were aground.

Perhaps Mr. Caird could tell me whether there was any religious content in this Faith to each other; this fidelity Of fellow wanderers in a desert place. But when tea was over and my opportunity came for a talk with my host, I suddenly remembered, to the exclusion of all other associations, only Mr. Caird's fine analysis of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in a lecture two years before.

And still they had not moved, when Nevill Caird was close enough to the bordj for a shout of greeting to be heard. "There are two of the strangest-looking creatures with him!" cried Saidee. "What can they be on camels!" "Why," exclaimed Victoria, "it's those men in kilts, who waited on the table at Mr. Caird's house!" "Hurrah for Lady MacGregor again!" laughed Stephen.

When his villany was accomplished, his boat was to convey him to the vessel, which, according to previous agreement with the master, was instantly to set sail. This desperate design would probably have succeeded, but for the ruffians being discovered in their lurking-place by Sir George Staunton and Butler, in their accidental walk from the Caird's Cove towards the Manse.