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A broad band, translucent as sun golden chrysolite, ran about its periphery. Set within this zodiac and spaced at mathematically regular intervals were nine ovoids of intensely living light. They shone like nine gigantic cabochon cut sapphires; they ranged from palest, watery blue up through azure and purple and down to a ghostly mauve shot with sullen undertones of crimson.

Prince Azim, who was dressed in a green silk jacket and loose magenta-coloured trousers, is a pleasant-mannered lad of about twenty. He is of much lighter complexion than his father and has a strong Jewish cast of feature. A huge cabochon emerald of great value, suspended from the neck, was Azim's sole ornament.

Cabochon, too. The idea of his charging me three hundred guineas for re-setting those stupid old amethysts. 'My dear, you would have diamonds mixed with them, said Lady Kirkbank, reproachfully. Lesbia turned away her head with an impatient sigh. She remembered perfectly that it was Lady Kirkbank who had persuaded her to order the diamond setting; but there was no use in talking about it now.

'I've got something very important to say to you. 'You're not going to tell me the story of your past life, he cried. 'No, I was thinking of my engagement ring. I make a point of having a cabochon emerald: I collect them. 'No sooner said than done, he cried. He took a ring from his pocket and slipped it on her finger. She looked from it to him.

But evidently under the belief that practice makes perfect, and regardless of coming shortness of breath, the lad kept on thrusting away, so intent upon his work that he did not bear the faint smothered click as of a latch behind him, nor note a white hand from one of whose fingers glistened dully the stone en cabochon of a big ruby ring.

We then struck over the stony divide to the left, towards a fine landmark a Khitm, or "block," shaped like a seal cut en cabochon: its name is the barbarous sounding Khurm el-Badariyyah. During the ascent, which was easy, we passed a second strew and scatter of the white stone broken into small pieces.

Cabochon judiciously says, why have the stones reset at all? Better wear them in all their present hideousness. Of course, after this Lesbia consented to the amethysts being dealt with according to Mr. Cabochon's taste. 'Which is simply perfect, interjected Lady Kirkbank.

Within these grains whose existence was more sensed than seen glowed dull red light, smoky and sullen. At each end of the square, close to the bottom, was a diamond-shaped lozenge, cabochon, perhaps a yard in width. These were dim yellow, translucent, with no suggestion of the underlying crystallization.

In shape they were oval, cut on both sides en cabochon, and on each certain characters were engraved. No doubt this detracted from their value as gems, yet the characters might have been removed and the stones cut in facets, and these rubies would still have been the noblest in the world.

He then directs the use of sandstone and emery, chiefly used by rubbing, as one might infer, to polish the stones, probably en cabochon as was the method in his time; this style of finish on a gem was called "tallow cutting."