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Maud was nowhere in sight. "She's probably in her room," she whispered back. They sat in nervous silence. The lecturer paused in his discourse for a minute. "If I had a buttonhook and a piece of string," he said, turning to Mrs. Baird, "I could demonstrate what I mean." Polly jumped from her seat, caught Mrs. Baird's eye, before any one else, and, in obedience to her nod, left the room.

'Oh yes....Park Lane? 'I told you he was doing very well, and his wife has private means. 'Mother, Archie began again, like a litany, 'can I have your long buttonhook? I know where it is. 'No, Archie, certainly not; you can't fasten laced boots with a buttonhook.... Well, that will be fun, Bruce. 'I believe they're going to have games after dinner, said Bruce.

Brown. Once more she put her hand down in the hollow, and, now that Bunny's foot was out of his shoe, it could easily be bent and twisted, so that it came loose. "There you are!" exclaimed Aunt Lu, as she buttoned Bunny's shoe on him again, using a hairpin for a buttonhook. "Now don't climb any more trees." "I'll just climb my own little tree," Bunny said. "That hasn't any hole in it."

It looked not unlike a button-hook, but was much smaller, and its point was sharpened. A hundred times in my boyhood days had I picked locks with a buttonhook. Could I but reach that little bit of polished steel I might yet effect at least a temporary escape.

And so she was; but it was with herself, for having failed in discernment and grown-upness. She ought to have noticed that the scissors and buttonhook were not hers. She had pounced on them with the ill-considered haste of twelve years old. She hadn't been a lady, she whose business it was to be an example and mainstay to Anna-Felicitas, in all things going first, showing her the way.

"You are salop," said the upper berth lady, which is untranslatable, not on grounds of propriety but of idiom. It is not, however, a term of praise. "Yes, that is what you are salop," echoed the lower berth lady. "And your sister is salop too lying in bed till all hours." "It is shameful for girls to be salop," said the upper berth. "I didn't know it was your buttonhook.

"It's you, my boy," he said suddenly; "you ought to get a divorce." That word, from those of all lips, was almost too much for Soames' composure. His eyes reconcentrated themselves quickly on the buttonhook, and as if in apology James hurried on: "I don't know what's become of her they say she's abroad. Your Uncle Swithin used to admire her he was a funny fellow."

Oh, don't keep on asking me if I've got them!... No, they haven't answered.... Are you 6375?... Oh wrong number sorry.... 6375 Gerrard? Only six are you there?... Not 6375 Gerrard?... Are you anyone else?... Oh, is it you, Vincy?... I want to tell you 'Mother, can I have your long buttonhook? Here Bruce came in. Edith rang off. Archie disappeared.

And such things as buttonhooks and hairpins had a way of disappearing just when she was in the greatest hurry. Not that the lack of these toilet necessities ever stopped Fanny from attending any town function. If the buttonhook could not be found she set out with her shoes unbuttoned, borrowing the necessary implement on the way.

He said nothing more, but he believed that he understood the man's actions. Failing to obtain the desired information, or perhaps failing to spoil the cast, he realized that his chances were at an end for the present. With great care the gun was hoisted from the mould. More eyes than Tom's anxiously regarded it as it came up out of the casting pit. "Bless my buttonhook!" cried Mr.