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"Two hours' start. Well, he'll have to go some, if he gets away. Kick him and let him go," he commanded. Echo turned away. The cowboys who held Peruna threw him to the ground, and every man of the Allen and Payson ranches gave him a vicious kick, Show Low putting in an extra one for his murdered bunkie.

At this junction Erwin gave Blaine's leg an undeniable kick. He was at last reviving. The pilot leaned towards his bunkie. "Say, Orry, are you coming to at last?" Another kick, evidently part of a struggle by Orris to right himself. Blaine saw the German making the first spiral upward, in an effort to attain a position suitable for using the machine gun.

"Hullo!" exclaimed Tom to Ruth, as they began to get into good stroke for the girl was an apt pupil "who is that old Bobbins has got under his wing?" "Who is Bobbins?" asked Ruth, with a laugh. "My bunkie that's what we call our chums at Seven Oaks. Bob Steele." "Madge Steele's brother?" "Yes. And no end of a good fellow," declared Tom. "But, my aunt! don't his sister rig him, though?

Why, they were his friends, his partners, these voices in the night, and that clear laughter floated up from Harry Fisher who had been his bunkie at the Circle V Bar ranch three years ago. He felt an insane impulse to lean over the edge of the cliff and shout a greeting.

In five sentences he sketched the cause of the trouble between Jim Clanton and the Roush brothers. "My bunkie didn't kill any of the Roush clan because they worked for Snaith and McRobert. He shot them for the reason I've just given you. That's his business. It was a private feud of his own. You heard what was said before the shootin' began," he concluded. "Tha's what you say.

"All right, I'll turn Old Calico loose," replied Pan. "And I'll remember what you said about him." Blowy pointed out one of his horses. "Kid, screw your wood to thet Jasper, an' you'll never be walkin'." "Thanks, but I got lots of horses," said Pan. "Aw go on lots of horses. Why bunkie, I got more mean horses than I can start to keep gentle. I just fetched thet one to stake my friends."

After packing away our plunder, we sauntered around town, drinking moderately, and visiting the various saloons and gambling houses. I clung to my bunkie, The Rebel, during the rounds, for I had learned to like him, and had confidence he would lead me into no indiscretions. At the Long Branch, we found Quince Forrest and Wyatt Roundtree playing the faro bank, the former keeping cases.

"You a friend of Sam's?" "I was the only gent with him when he died," said Sinclair simply. "Dead!" said the other heavily. "Sam dead!" "You must of been pretty thick with him," declared Riley. "Man, I'm Quade. Lowrie was my bunkie!" He came close to Sinclair, raising an eager face. "How'd Lowrie go out?" "Pretty peaceful boots off everything comfortable." "He give you a message for me?"

I never will forget how I wanted t' wet my hoss, Long Tom's, tongue, but a wounded bunkie he needed it. That night we went ag'in an' got some for th' stock, an' it was just in time, for they sure was dyin' for it. "Th' fightin' opened ag'in next mornin', an' kept goin' till th' afternoon.

And then I looked at Kate standin' in that white thing with her yaller hair all blowin' about her face and I wanted her like a dyin' man wants heaven! But then I says to myself again: 'No matter what's happened, he's been my friend. He's been my pal. He's been my bunkie. "Doc, you ain't got a way of knowin' what a partner is out here.