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When Stoughton and Bulkely were dismissed, the colony had been commanded to send new agents within six months. Hutch. Hitherto the clerical party had procrastinated, buoyed up by the hope that in the fierce struggle with the commons Charles might be overthrown; but this dream ended with the dissolution of the Oxford Parliament, and further inaction became impossible.

And when Bulkely and his followers suggested that there should be some restrictions on his command, or that at least he should do nothing without consulting his officers, the captain refused to consent to this; whereupon they imprisoned him, intending to take him to England on the charge of having murdered Mr. Cozens.

Most of their horses were killed in the village or outside it, and the men suffered many casualties, including their general Bulkely Johnson whose body I saw carried back on a stretcher to the ruin of Thilloy, where crumps were bursting. It is an astonishing thing that two withered old French women stayed in the village all through the fighting.

See for examples, the reports of the Minimum Wage Commissions of The District of Columbia, Massachusetts and Oregon. Also the studies by R. H. Tawney and M. E. Bulkely on the English experience. Those of P. S. Collier and M. B. Hammond, on the Australasian experience.

The castle is the property of Sir Richard Bulkely, whose seat is in the vicinity, and who owns a great part of the island of Anglesea, on which Beaumaris lies. The hotel where we stopped was the Bulkely Arms, and Sir Richard has a kind of feudal influence in the town. In the morning we walked along a delightful road, bordering on the Menai Straits, to Bangor Ferry.

They had saved the long-boat from the wreck, and about this time John Bulkely, who had been a gunner on the 'Wager, formed a plan of trying to make the voyage home through the Straits of Magellan. The plan was proposed to the captain, and though he thought it wiser to pretend to fall in with it, he had no intention of doing so.

Upon the results of the British Trades Boards see the studies of R. H. Tawney on the Chainmaking and Tailoring Trades and that of M. E. Bulkely on the Box Making Industry. The best theoretical statement of the dangers and difficulties presented is the article by F. W. Taussig, "Minimum Wages for Women," in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, June, 1916.

The castle is the property of Sir Richard Bulkely, whose seat is in the vicinity, and who owns a great part of the island of Anglesea, on which Beaumaris lies. The hotel where we stopped was the Bulkely Arms, and Sir Richard has a kind of feudal influence in the town. In the morning we walked along a delightful road, bordering on the Menai Straits, to Bangor Ferry.

Edward Bulkely, Esq. 13. John Leake Burrage. 14. Oliver Shorne. 15. Isaac Caton. 16. John Norberg. 17. Hugh Parker. 18. James Allen. 19. James Simonds. 20. Nathaniel Rogers, Esq.