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I was ferried over by two women, who were by no means sorry that the winds and floods had carried my Lord Buchan's bridge away, as it restored their business of putting people over.

From Teething to Weaning. Proper age for weaning. Cullen's opinion. Proper season of the year. When the teeth have fairly protruded. First food given. New forms of food. Animal broth. During the Process of Weaning. The spring the best time for weaning. Should not be too sudden. The process how managed. Exciting an aversion to the breast. What solid food should first be given. Buchan's opinion.

Then it was our men were annoyed by an incessant discharge from Buchan's archers, which, though they could do perhaps no great evil, yet wounded many of our men, and roused Lord Edward's spirit to resent the insult.

Shaw-na-dith-it as before observed, gave much information as to the state of her tribe, and the following is the substance of the statement she made with reference to Captain Buchan's expedition to the Great Lake in the winter of 1811: The tribe, she said, at that time had been much reduced in numbers, in consequence of the hostile encroachments and meetings of the Europeans at the sea-coast.

He succeeded in meeting with them, and the intercourse seemed firmly established, so much so, that two of them consented to go and pass the night with Captain Buchan's party, he leaving two of his men who volunteered to stop.

Moments of calm, beautiful peace.... You come on him walking in his garden looking for snowdrops in the snow. Or he's sitting in his library, reading Buchan's 'History of the Great War. Happy. Not thinking about himself at all. Then you're sorry you ever laughed at him." "I'm not," Ralph said. "He owes it us. He does nothing else to justify his existence." "Yes. But he exists. He exists.

Three years ago, he had not force enough to fortify the castles he took from the English, and leaving them standing did but offer safe harbors for the foe, so it was ever his custom to dismantle, as utterly to prevent their reestablishment; and if he did this with the castles of his own friends, who all, as the Douglas saith, 'love better to hear the lark sing than the mouse squeak, it was not likely he would spare Buchan's.

Buchan's kirk there's nane taken into that fellowship unworthily, as far as man can judge." "He would be a wise minister that got at all Advocate McFarlane's sins, I am thinking." "Dinna say all ye think, James. They walk too fair for earth that naebody can find fault wi'."

But the tempers of the two men were different, the latter remained unshaken in his determination, and with a cheerful countenance, and air of perfect confidence in the good faith of his new allies, he motioned to them with his hands to proceed, disregarding his companion and seeming to treat with scorn Mr. Buchan's invitation to depart freely if he chose to do so.

With the exception of Captain Buchan's first expedition, by order of the local government of Newfoundland, in the winter of 1810, to endeavour to open a friendly intercourse with the Red Indians, the two parties just mentioned are the only two we know of that had ever before been up to the Red Indian Lake.