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"Solaque culminibus ferali carmine bubo Saepe queri, et longas in fletum ducere voces." In our own times we find that the village maid cannot return home from seeing her dying swain, without a doleful salutation from the owl: "Thus homeward as she hopeless went, The churchyard path along, The blast grew cold, the dark owl scream'd Her lover's funeral song."

This condition is termed bubo or "blue ball" in common language. Sometimes serious complications arise which may prove dangerous and require the individual to be confined to his bed for weeks. b. =Gonorrhea.= This is incomparably more serious than chancroid.

"Solaque, culminibus ferali carmine bubo. Saepe queri et longas in fletum ducere voces," writes Virgil. Pliny, in describing this bird, says, "bubo funebris et maxime abominatus"; whilst Chaucer writes: "The owl eke that of death the bode ybringeth." In the Arundel family a white owl is said to be a sure indication of death.

In the latter case it is only by the situation of the primary bubo that one can approximately identify the area through which the plague infection entered the organism. " Infected fleas communicate the disease to healthy animals for three days after infection. Infected bugs have the power of doing so for five days.

The case was a gloomy one, if Tiberius should happen to survive much longer: and the story of the omen proceeds thus: 'Now Agrippa stood in his bonds before the Imperial palace, and in his affliction leaned against a certain tree, upon the boughs of which it happened that a bird had alighted which the Romans call bubo, or the owl.

Phidias made them, and Bubo and Bombax dressed them in purple. But this does not apply to young Pope, who has shown in this very poem that he can work the quarry as well as choose the gems. But see, the carriage awaits us.

Avarice, instigated by ladies and milliners, has looked with covetous eye on its downy and beautiful plumes; while ignorance and superstition have feared and hated the owl in all countries and all ages. In ancient Rome it was a bird of evil omen. Foedaque fit volucris venturi nuncia luctus, Ignavus bubo, dirum mortalibus omen.

And as for this grammatical translation of the word Sabbath, it either contains an instance of his great impudence or gross ignorance; for the words Sabbo and Sabbath are widely different from one another; for the word Sabbath in the Jewish language denotes rest from all sorts of work; but the word Sabbo, as he affirms, denotes among the Egyptians the malady of a bubo in the groin.

"What is the trouble with you?" he asks of the first. "A carbuncle." "Ah! and you?" "Dysentery." "Ah! and you?" "A bubo." "But in that case you have not been wounded during the war?" "Not the least in the world." "Very well! You can take up your knapsacks again. The archbishop gives up the beds of his seminarists only to the wounded."

Burnett, who told me, and I find in the newsbook this week that he posted upon the 'Change, that whoever did spread the report that, instead of the plague, his servant was by him killed, it was forgery, and shewed me the acknowledgment of the master of the pest-house, that his servant died of a bubo on his right groine, and two spots on his right thigh, which is the plague.