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We must remind the reader here that Flo was naturally simple and sweet, and that as Junkie was her chief playmate, she was scarcely responsible for her language. "The stowy," continued Flo, "is all 'bout Doan of Ak, who was bu'nt by some naughty men, long, long ago! D'you hear, Blackie? It would make your hair stand on end if you had any!"

My moder was eighty-two, an' my gran'moder was ninety-siven, an' my great-gran'moder was a hun'r'd an' sixteen, an' dey was all alive togidder, an' at fuss you couldn' tell which was de oldest. Dey run neck an' neck for a long time, but arter de great-gran' one pass de hunr' milestone oh! she hoed ahead like a rattlesnake. De wrinkles an' de crows' foots, an' de de colour jes' like bu'nt leather!

The solemn glare and pursed mouth with which he met his mother's look of blank amazement may be imagined but cannot be described he looked so quiet, too, and so evidently contented, for the warm water was congenial! "O Charlie! did I not say that " "Yes, muvver, but I'm bu'nt."

His beard an' hyar wuz all nyawed off, an' his face an' han's an' neck wuz scorified terrible. Well, he jes' laid Ham Fisher down, an' then he kind o' staggered for'ad, an' ole missis ketch' 'im in her arms. Ham Fisher, he warnt bu'nt so bad, an' he got out in a month or two; an' arfter a long time, ole marster he got well, too; but he wuz always stone bline arfter dat.

Dey sez fo' dat he usen ter hab meetin' on his place, an' he wuz er Christyun man hisse'f; but he got mad 'long er de Lord caze de steamboat bu'nt up, an' eber sence dat he's been er mighty wicked man; an' he won't let none er his folks sarve de Lord; an' he don't 'pyear ter cyar fur nuffin' 'cep'n hit's money.

"No, no; it's a lady who lived in France, an' thought she was sent to deliver her country from from I don't know all what, an' put on men's clo'es an' armour, an' went out to battle, an' was burnt." "Bu'nt!" shouted Dolly, with sparkling eyes; "oh, what fun! We're goin' to bu'n you, Pompey." They called him by Lilly Blythe's name.

"Him?" said Uncle Billy, looking around at the Union officer. "'Twas 'twas in de spring, seh. Yas, seh. De time de Yankees bu'nt us out." "How's that?" asked the General, not understanding. Lieutenant Harris came forward a step. "The act of incendiarism I spoke of, General on the part of Sergeant Dudley." The General looked up and nodded.

I heah Ephum say Aunt Dinah tell him de ole house whar used to be on de hill whar dat gret oak-tree is in de pines bu'nt down de year he wuz born, an' he ole marster had to live in de overseer house, an' hit break he heart, an' dee teck all he niggers, an' dat's de way he come to blongst to we all; but dat ole man ain' know nuttin 'bout dat house, 'cause hit bu'nt down.

While they were thus engaged they heard the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps, and next moment Tomeo and Buttchee bounded over the bushes, glaring and panting from the rate at which they had raced up the hill to tell the wonderful news! "Eberyting bu'nt?" exclaimed Ebony, whose eyes and teeth showed so much white that his face seemed absolutely to sparkle. "Everything.

Yo' see, he had find Ham Fisher done fall down in de smoke right by the ker'ige-hoss' stalls, whar he sont him, an' he hed to tote 'im back in his arms th'oo de fire what hed done cotch de front part o' de stable, and to keep de flame from gittin' down Ham Fisher's th'oat he hed tuk off his own hat and mashed it all over Ham Fisher's face, an' he hed kep' Ham Fisher from bein' so much bu'nt; but HE wuz bu'nt dreadful!