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Montenero followed an instant afterwards, telling Lady de Brantefield that he had despatched one of his own servants for intelligence. Her ladyship bowed her head without speaking. He then explained why the orange-woman happened to be in his house, and spoke of the zeal and ability with which she had this day served us. Lady de Brantefield continued at intervals to bow her head while Mr.

"I was in such a fuss about her, you know, sir, that I never found out, till I got home, I had pocketed a strange fan here it is, ma'am, if it is yours it's worth any body's owning, I am sure." The fan was my mother's, and she was forced to be much obliged. Lady de Brantefield, still painfully holding back, did not resume her position till some seconds had elapsed after Mrs.

If I had suffered my imagination to act, I should have fancied that under a sort of prepared composure there was constraint and alarm in her look as she spoke to me. I thought she trembled; but I resolved not to be prejudiced and this I repeated to myself many times. "Well, Fowler, but the muff," said Lady de Brantefield.

The fury of the orange-woman kindled her eyes flashed fire her arms a-kimbo, she advanced repeating, "Fitter! Fitter! What's that ye say? You're not Irish not a bone in your skeleton!" Lady Anne screamed. Mr. Montenero forced the orange-woman back, and Berenice and I hurried Lady de Brantefield and her daughter across the hall into the eating-room. Mr.

It was the more extraordinary, since he so well recollected the ever to be lamented case of Sir Josseline de Brantefield, that her son could, with all his family experience, be, at this time of day, a dupe to one of a race branded by the public History of England, and private Memoirs of the De Brantefields, to all eternity! Mowbray showed this letter in triumph to all his party.

She was in black, in a hoop of vast circumference, and she looked and moved as if her being Countess de Brantefield in her own right, and concentring in her person five baronies, ought to be for ever present to the memory of all mankind, as it was to her own. My mother presented me to her ladyship.

His mother, the Countess de Brantefield, was a Countess in her own right, and had an estate in her own power; his father, a simple commoner, was dead, his mother was his sole guardian.

He went on talking about the sailors' jackets, for which we had been in treaty; and he insisted upon having the old muff into the bargain. It actually was at last thrown in as a makeweight. Had she been witness to this bargain, I believe Lady De Brantefield would have dropped down in a swoon. The moment I got possession of it, I turned it inside out.

At length, Berenice and her father being called out of the room, I was left alone with Lady de Brantefield and Lady Anne: the mother broke silence, and turning to the daughter, said, in a most solemn tone of reproach, "Anne! Lady Anne Mowbray! how could you bring me into this house of all others a Jew's when you know the horror I have always felt " "La, mamma!

The very desirable recommendation was given by my mother to Lady de Brantefield, who was her particular friend; nor was my mother in the least to blame on this occasion, for she truly thought she was doing nothing but justice; had it been otherwise, those who know how these things are usually managed, would, I trust, never think of blaming my mother for a sort of thing which they would do, and doubtless have done themselves without scruple, for a favourite maid, who is always a faithful creature.