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Charlie came and leant on the mantel-shelf, and commenced a conversation sotto voce on the subject nearest his heart; while Cecil continued her catechism. "Are the Bowaters intellectual?" "Jenny is very well read," said Julius, "a very sensible person." "Yes," said Frank; "she was the only person here that so much as tried to read Browning.

"The Bowaters, very likely; I saw their Noah's ark as I passed the Poynsett Arms, with the horses taken out. I wonder how many are coming worthy folks!" Which evidently meant insufferable bores. "Is there not a daughter?" asked Cecil. "You need not use the singular, though, by the bye, most of them are married." "Oh, pray stay!" entreated Cecil, as there were signs of leave- taking.

Charnock Poynsett has to think of la belle mere." "She has given up the management of all matters of society to me," said Cecil with dignity; "you may reckon on me." "No hope of the Bowaters, of course," said Mrs. Duncombe. "Miss Bowater is coming to stay with us," volunteered Cecil. "To be near that unlucky Life Guardsman manque," said Mrs. Duncombe.

Bowater's preserves." "He was just like the hero of "Oh, I have a plum-cake, And a rare feast I'll make." I do like a boy with a sweet tooth!" "Like him! Of course I do. The Bowaters are like one's own kindred! I only hope I shall not spoil him." "Hasn't his mother done that for you?" "I wish he had spent a year or two at Cuddesdon!

"Come, I'll not have honest Herbert abused," said the other lady. "He is the only one of the Bowaters who has any go in him." "More's the pity, if he can't use it. Is his sister coming to help the Reverend Julius to drill him?" "On Mrs. Poynsett's account too, I fancy," said Lady Tyrrell; "Jenny Bowater is her amateur companion.

Well, there arose an attachment between him and Jenny; the Bowaters did not much like it, of course; but they are kind-hearted and good- natured, and gave consent, provided Archie got on in his profession.

"You mean that we should have plenty of fun and, in fact, drum out the rights of woman." "At any rate, present a counter attraction. You and Charlie and your brothers, with the Bowaters, might do something?" "Trust me!" cried Rosamond. "Oh! I am so thankful to Mr. Bowater.

Her manner was indeed strange and flighty; and though she recurred to questions about the Ordination and the Bowaters, Julius perceived that she was forcing her attention to the answers as if trying to stave off his inquiries, and he came to closer quarters. "How is Terry? Has Dr. Worth been here?" "Yes; but not till very late. He says he never was so busy." "Rosamond, what is it?

I say, Julius, shall we give it up altogether and stay at home like good children? I believe that is what would suit the told Rabbit much better than his kid gloves," and her sweet face looked up at him with a meek candid gaze. "No," he said, "that would not do. The Bowaters are our oldest friends. But, Rosie, as you are a clergyman's wife, could you not give up round dances?" "Oh no, no!

But if I have exceeded the Dunstone standard, it was not willingly. Herbert Bowater is the son of some old friends of my mother's, who wanted to keep their son near home, and made it their request that I would give him a title." "And the Bowaters are the great feature in the neighbourhood," added Frank. "Herbert tells me there are wonderful designs for entertaining the brides."