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"Yes, the hospital-ship; and I thought they'd jump at it; but they've all been jumping in other directions. I asked the Steuvenfeldts, the Boulters, the Felix Fowles, the Brutons, the Sheltons, and that fellow Mackerel, who has so much money he doesn't know what to do with it and twenty others; and Mackerel was the only one who would give me anything at all large. He gave me ten thousand pounds.

"Did Gilbert do well in his examinations?" persisted Marilla. "Excellently well. He led his class. But where are the twins and Mrs. Lynde?" "Rachel and Dora are over at Mr. Harrison's. Davy is down at Boulters'. I think I hear him coming now." Davy burst in, saw Anne, stopped, and then hurled himself upon her with a joyful yell. "Oh, Anne, ain't I glad to see you!

"We've succeeded in almost all our plans so far, except in getting the old Boulter house removed," said Gilbert, "and I've given THAT up in despair. Levi won't have it taken down just to vex us. There's a contrary streak in all the Boulters and it's strongly developed in him."

But above all, those judicious collectors of bright parts, and flowers, and observandas are to be nicely dwelt on by some called the sieves and boulters of learning, though it is left undetermined whether they dealt in pearls or meal, and consequently whether we are more to value that which passed through or what stayed behind.

A new estimate and verification of the food supply takes place, domiciliary searches, seizures of special stores regarded as too ample, limited rations for each consumer, a common and obligatory mess table for all prisoners, brown, egalite bread, mostly of bran, for every mouth that can chew, prohibition of the making of any other kind, confiscation of boulters and sieves, the "individual," personal responsibility of every administrator who allows the people he directs to resist or escape providing the demanded supplies, the sequestration of his property, imprisonment, fines, the pillory and the guillotine to hurry up requisitions, or stop free trading, every terrifying method is driven to the utmost against the farmers and cultivators of the soil.

"To make a necklace for playing Indian Chief," explained Davy, climbing upon Anne's lap. "He's got fifteen already, and everybody's else's promised, so there's no use in the rest of us starting to collect, too. I tell you the Boulters are great business people." "Were you a good boy at Mrs. Boulter's?" asked Marilla severely. "Yes; but say, Marilla, I'm tired of being good."

I offered to take it for him for a quarter but the Boulters are so mean. Milty says he'd rather take it himself and save his money. I asked Mrs. Boulter how a person would go about catching a man and she got awful mad and said she dident know, shed never chased men. "The A.V.I.S. is going to paint the hall again. They're tired of having it blue. "The new minister was here to tea last night.